Gabriel Payne

I don't understand why Mario won't spin in a ball and smash barrels. What is happening?

all i’m reading rn is penis penis penis penis penis penis


Just so all the Jezzers are clear - Ghostbusters is good because women and Suicide is Squad is bad because Jared Leto (man). Got it? Great!

Felt the emotions coming up. Looks damn near spot on perfect for a continuation of the Genesis games. Can’t wait to hear the soundtrack.

nah, more like when you’re at a family gathering you don’t want to be at and your dickhead uncle starts talking about Trump and you’re not allowed your phone out, so you check the time but are actually playing on your watch.

This is where I am at, I was very excited for the game but now that I have it and have played it some I just don’t really see the point. It just isn’t very good, I would rather play Ingress honestly.

Sounds like you won't be playing Rust then.

Seriously, what a petty reason to not buy a game. But hey, your money I guess.

Wasn’t one of the premises of the show that every conspiracy theory (to a comical degree) is true? And Mulder was a conspiracy nut even then. It makes sense to me that he’d be a 9/11 Truther. Also, the argument is much more plausible given the show’s shadow government mythology than what we actually see going on in

Pretty twisted to be excited about someone’s failure. As disappointed as I am, it’s better this happens than it gets released broken. A step that a lot of devs should probably take.

I despise these types of articles. Basically “hate articles”. There are plenty of celebs whose celebrity-status I can’t grasp, but here’s what’s great about that, I don’t have to care. You not only wasted my time with this article, but arguably yours as well. I personally find his music fun and it appears that he’s

It’s one guy doing everything.

Sorry, Cam’s actions on Sunday were far less egregious than that fucking commercial Wilson did with Macklemore...

That must be the most infuriated she’s been in all her 4 years as a Seahawks fan.

Yes, he was basically saying the show has to work on getting the best director, while the casting of the movie in the show can certainly do with an eye on diversity (though even then I always think it should be whoever is best for the part, whatever race/gender that person may be).

"I'm all for enjoying what you've earned, except for this case, when you can't enjoy what you've earned."