
I am sick of the Bishop already.

I don't really like Chris. He reminds of a bad combo of Rob Morrow and Alessandro Nivola.

Marry Me is just not a good lead in to About a Boy which I like a lot. I hope NBC doesn't wind up cancelling both.

Though I liked the Peter-Alicia face off very much, less of Peter is more as far as I'm concerned.

Agree, those parents of the bullied kid were awful. Can't wait until their kid behaves badly, too. If someone has to die on Parenthood, let it be Hank, not Crosby or Zeke.

Crosby's accident may be more serious than it seems? Why don't I care what happens to Sarah and Hank?

I thought this episode was better than last week's. It seemed to be copying Broadchurch less.

Broadchurch had me riveted from start to almost finish and the casting was nigh perfect. I haven't watched Gracepoint yet but I highly recommend Broadchurch and can't wait to watch it's second season.

Wish coverage wasn't ending. And Emily should have had Victoria killed. She is obviously going to be a problem later.

I thought this pilot was laughably bad. Not even Viola Davis could save it.

So if this were a true story, what what the real names of those who survived?

Having his wife killed was pointless because Malvo would still be after him. So Lester really just was heartless.


Not everyone thinks Fargo is the one of the greatest films ever made.

Malvo killed something like 30 plus people from what we saw. He was on the Las Vegas cameras, no? He was seen in that photo from Fargo. Gus was doing everyone a favor.

Also want to see more of the actress who plays the daughter.

Did anyone else feel at the end that Molly didn't really care about being chief at the end? When she listened to the tape she surely remembered her good friend Vern who would still be chief if Lester hadn't killed his wife spurred on by Malvo. Though I'm sure that the writer had considered a confrontation between

Binge watching on my OnDemand channel was excruciating. FX has the worse commercials to watch over and over and over again. There is just so much time you can spend walking out of the room.

The whole scene with Lou and Malvo in the diner was very Twin Peaks-ean too. And the pie conversation.

I've never rooted for Malvo.