
I don't know how any fan of this show could watch The Good Wife and not care about Alicia in some way.. You don't always have to like how she acts but the whole show was built early on about rooting for her.

I liked this episode but I don't like feeling nervous for both Emily and Nolan. When will Nolan find out about Patrick's misdeed? And Victoria probably told Patrick to do it. Charlotte confessing to trying to kill her father made no sense because how would she be capable of doing it. That's never explained.

I only caught the last half hour of the show; will watch it all the way through. But I found the case being solved uninteresting, maybe because Law and Order has involved similar plots several times. What is interesting is viewership was up last night while this may have been the weakest episode so far this year.

Will and Diane are not going to destroy Alicia. That would be bad for the show overall.

I really wasn't missing Peter's mother. Could she at least get a new wig?
And though I love Baranski, the intense staring got a bit much the third time around. But still a fun episode. And though Will goes ballistic next week with Alicia, isn't that just like a couple who still have feelings for each other? How long is

I would be thrilled if Charlotte was her father's potential murderer. Or is it Patrick?

Benanti tweeted that she played Miller's first love on Eli Stone and now she played his first murderer. There was something unsettling about Abigail being thrown in jail at the end. Is this the last we will see of her?

I like the cast a lot on this show. I just hope the writing can get a bit funnier. I'll take this over the crasser sitcoms on CBS anyday.

I wonder if CBS will move Elementary to Monday night or Wednesday.

I thought the episode was decent, deserved a B/B-. The humor wasn't there but I think the set ups could prove interesting. I don't think anything we've seen in the first episode can be taken at face value. That French girl is up to no good, for instance. But Emily shouldn't be telling Nolan that Jack gave her an

So on YouTube there's a scene that wasn't aired on BBC America that shows the characters at a wake and Alex talks to the reporter who has found out he wasn't responsible for the mess up in his last case. I guess this aired in the UK as an added scene when the last episode was broadcast.

After 7 episodes you would think something would have come up about the money in the investigation.

We still don't know why there was money under Danny's bed. And there is only one more episode.

The background story to Hardy was a highpoint and put that out of town opportunistic journalist in her place. Hope she has a hissy fit when she finds out the truth.

No ultrasound scene on BBC America. Gritting my teeth with each missing minute.

I saw 31 films at TIFF this year and Prisoners was one of the those that stood out at the top of the heap. I was on the edge of my seat throughout. The acting, writing and direction were first rate. I would give it an A-. A B- grade is ridiculous. Jackman is working on a high level but it's Gyllenhaal that steals the

Once again BBC America cuts scenes. I saw no scene of Hardy tearing through the empty police station. Really this editing sucks.

I liked the last scene with Jane Fonda. It was refreshing and she was great in the scene. Overall a very good episode after watching so man disappointing ones.

I'm not rooting for Jessica at all. 

I haven't been commenting but I appreciate that AV Club has covered this wonderful quirky show. It would be cruel for HBO to end the show now when it ends in a place where we want to know more about these people. And so much to be gained by more clips of the British parody shows. I have tried to watch True Blood and