Now I'm wondering if Bunheads changed the title for the TV show and I read it wrong.
Now I'm wondering if Bunheads changed the title for the TV show and I read it wrong.
I will miss the wonderful cast. Such a classy show, even when it was dealing with corruption and ladies of the night.
It's The Endless Summer, not The Eternal Summer.
Despite the slow movement forward of Revenge this season, I'm remaining faithful to the show. I do want Emily's revenge life to get resolved so I'll keep on watching. Although we see a body floating in the water, who knows if that person is really dead?
I hope Amanda returned Emily's computer before taking off with Jack on the boat.
Can't Poehler play Fey's adopted sister? Anyhow I'd like to see Fey paired with another actress.
I have to confess I hate ballet and it's the one thing that bothers me about this show. I just wish these girls wanted to be dancers in the theater. Or modern dancers.
Why was Kelly Bishop completely absent last week? Is she involved in another show? Would someone enlighten me?
It's not believable that Nolan doesn't see through Padma. Or maybe he does and is just not letting on? Does Emily have to spell it out for him?
Hate to be a grouch but this episode was paced too slowly for me. I didn't really get involved until Fanny went to get Michelle and Michelle watched the video of Hubbell at their marriage.
So is the initiative going to lead Daniel to find out Emily is Amanda Clarke through Nolan? And is Emily too dumb too know she is being shadowed by the initiative? Doesn't make sense to me.
An excellent recap of a show that has improved from the opening pilot. I don't know if I thought this episode was the best but I did like that it began with no murders. Although it wasn't necessarily my favorite, I did like the episode in which Sherlock's life was in danger and Watson had to step in to save his life.
An excellent recap of a show that has improved from the opening pilot. I don't know if I thought this episode was the best but I did like that it began with no murders. Although it wasn't necessarily my favorite, I did like the episode in which Sherlock's life was in danger and Watson had to step in to save his life.
I would be thrilled never to see Hank again. I am so sick of him.
I would be thrilled never to see Hank again. I am so sick of him.
The only thing I didn't like happened at the end on the soundtrack — transitioning from a Damien Rice song which I love to that song I want to run away from, Home, by the AI winner I didn't like.
The only thing I didn't like happened at the end on the soundtrack — transitioning from a Damien Rice song which I love to that song I want to run away from, Home, by the AI winner I didn't like.
Oh, I misremembered that!
Oh, I misremembered that!
But I thought in the flashback Nolan never told Marco who he was keeping the money for. But in tonight's episode Marco says Amanda Clarke's name. Correct me if I'm confused.