
I find this show charming and unpretentious and much more enjoyable than the overwrought dramas that NBC tried to feed us this year and those slick crime drams on CBS. I also like the cast. Yes the plotting could be more challenging but it's actually one of ABC's better hour-long shows. And with Revenge, The Good Wife

I think Charlotte is really dead, not fake dead.
Does anyone know what Daniel was hiding in the book? A camera? At first when he was talking to Emily on the phone I thought he was really in cahoots with her.

I think Charlotte is really dead, not fake dead.
Does anyone know what Daniel was hiding in the book? A camera? At first when he was talking to Emily on the phone I thought he was really in cahoots with her.

Yeah, I thought Amanda's baby might be Takeda's but that seems too ridiculous. But somehow I don't think the baby is Jack's.

Yeah, I thought Amanda's baby might be Takeda's but that seems too ridiculous. But somehow I don't think the baby is Jack's.

This is one of worst recaps on the A.V. Club ever. Claire at least actually seemed to watch the show with some clever thoughts in her head.

This is one of worst recaps on the A.V. Club ever. Claire at least actually seemed to watch the show with some clever thoughts in her head.

Jessica is going first next week which is probably going to hurt her chances even more.  But I sure hope she's given two melodic songs to sing and maybe one song outside her usual genre that forces her to show some more originality. She's almost going to have a perfect night to have any chance of winning over Phillip.

Why was Ashley hanging around outside Emily's house at night?

Didn't Nolan used to have a bodyguard?

Claire, I would like Jessica to win but she was thrown under the bus tonight by that Mariah Carey song and Randy's put down of her last song—which I liked. And she had a sore throat. So I think she may be gone tomorrow, though it would be great it if she made it to the top two.

It would be something if Nolan was really dead now.

Will Ivy become the understudy now that Karen is the STAR? And have to go on for Karen who gets a death-threatening disease in the final previews of Bombshell? Will Dev enroll in acting school or do stand-up comedy? Will Ellis attempt to murder Eileen?

I just watched a 20-minute interview with Elise Testone and wonder how she ever got on the show. She's been a teacher and student of music for years and was much too smart to have put up with some of the silliness the judges put her through. But despite her age she was even susceptible to wanting to be liked rather

There is no comparison between Kris Allen and Phillip Phillips. Kris can sing and has always sung in tune when he has performed live. He also doesn't make every song he does sound the same.

I wanted to vote for Katrina or Jamar last night but couldn't. We all saw last night why Jamar should have been in the final and not Juliet.

The problem with previews on Smash is that they seem to include footage that never makes it into the episode. I did read in EW that Karen does something to Ivy that Ivy will never be able to forgive her for. Maybe Karen finally sleeps with Derek and becomes the slut she really is?

Bernie is a very good role for Black and he really underplays the mugging. In fact, there really isn't any mugging. I think this is his best film since School of Rock.

Last night on Jay Leno Randy Jackson evaluated the 4 remaining candidates and he said that Jessica, Joshua and Phillip could win. He did not say that about Hollie. But somehow Jessica and Joshua are going to have to flawless this week to eliminate Hollie. Phillip can perform lying down and he will still be there.

I love it how people say Jessica can't connect with an audience when she hasn't been in the bottom 3 since she was saved. Someone has to be voting for her.