
Can someone explain to me why Katherine McPhee is being pushed so much in the promotion in this show? When Debra Messing is already an established TV star and Angelica Huston is an Oscar winner. Has McPhee's husband poured money into this show? I don't get it. 

I find it laughable that so many people hate the kid who plays Leo when there's so much more wrong with this show.

The only female singers I enjoyed tonight were the last two. The others made American Idol seem terribly dated.

Eben was terrible. Why would you root for this cherub who needs a few years to develop?

I hate Karen and I like Ivy so to make Ivy the villainess already turns me off. I find nothing authentic about Karen at all. It's really annoying to me to have someone who's worked years in the business being given the bad girl part.

It's a shame this show doesn't take a more comic approach to the material.

I absolutely hate the character of Ellis. The sooner they resolve his storyline the better. The writing on this show is abysmal, telegraphed by the Will Chase character saying You smell nice to Debra Messing. It's highly unlikely that Cafe LaMaMa would ever stage a show like the one Smash gives us about Bruno Mars.

Why do you hate Dave? He's one of my favorite characters on the show and he's also cute.

If it's Amanda or Lydia who's stolen the box, both can be outwitted by Emily and Nolan.
I don't see the writers allowing Emily to be totally vanquished by one of these other crazy characters. We see Emily with a gun in the previews but I think she's just defending herself. Maybe someone threatens to kill her? For some

I am a theater fanatic though I like musicals and plays equally. And I have to say I find this show disappointing. There wasn't anything surprising and dramatically compelling that made me want to keep watching. I do like the cast. But I found the musical numbers awkwardly edited and staged and the tunes forgettable.

For those who keep saying The King's Speech will be forgotten in 10 years I say, no, because of Colin Firth's brilliant performance. And as far as The Social Network is concerned, no one is talking about it anymore so all that outrage was for naught.

I couldn't stand The Hurt Locker (it gave me a terrible headache), No Country for Old Men went on forever, and don't get me started about Crash, in which Hollywood actors gave supposedly serious performances dealing with race issues. The problem is too many great films never even get nominated by the Academy which is

Shouldn't Emily's revenge against the writer have been a little more devastating? OK she burned his memoir but he can always work on it again, though not on his typewriter. Though I guess burning down his house is a little more disturbing.

Also the doll museum