
Isn’t expressing sympathy about checking a box in general sometimes? I’m not talking about close friends, or if it’s the loss of someone you’ve met — but I don’t see a sympathy message on social media as being vastly different from signing a card or passing along condolences in person.

Can you help me understand what allyship entails? As a Black woman, I’m really confused about what people believe goes into being an ally. I see so many people declaring themselves to be allies and then everyone acts as if that label exempts them from unpleasant inspection or correction. So Rose says some of the women

Keep your stupid opinions about people who aren’t apart of what you value to yourself. This woman is a gift and you not understanding why isn’t your fault. I’m happy for you that you don’t get it. Congrats on your life. Stop trying to tear down people who can be an example of those who were less fortunate than you.

What the fuck does it matter if they are besties? She’s a strong woman who’s been through REAL shit and fucking made it. She’s an example to every kid in America that’s had a fucked up life. She might not give a shit about feminism. Do you really think she can relate to someone who says that they have been held back

I can’t tell if I’ve way misunderstood Captain Proton’s post or you have.

Taylor Swift is the Woman I’d Most Like To Come Out As Gay. Leave her alone!

Hey, why fight the patriarchy when there are so many easy targets to spit at?

Nothing. She challenged some of Jessica Williams views at a Sundance luncheon.

Actually, yeah, it is, because it doesn’t involve the centuries of partiarchal bullshit that says older men deserve younger, more attractive wives.

I see what you mean about things arguably being overexplained, but I took that to mean that these were conscious considerations on Margot’s part. The whole time it felt like Margot was continually taking the temperature of her feelings, his feelings, whether things were going well—and that’s part of what I related to

“Needs more cats.”

Going to give you props for having the self-control to post your long con first comment, which required Bobby to actually respond (stating the obvious) so you could get in your humble brag, instead of just putting it in the first comment.

I think its more then shoulders and chest that give off the look of buffness, you can also tell he’s got well developed traps and likely a very strong upper back. Basically he looks like a healthy, fit, male.

I have to laugh every time I read an article like this. “I’m not judging. I mean, girl power and own your sexuality and whatnot but [INSERT JUDGMENT].” Just because someone says they aren’t judging doesn’t negate the judging that immediately follows.

I have to be honest, and I’m sure I’ll receive flack for it, but I get what she’s saying. Yes, women should be able to walk into a business meeting (regardless of the unusual setting that it’s taking place in) and be safe.

I lost my dad at 30, and unraveled very, very quickly after. I’m only just recovering from some of the self-sabotage that grief-stricken me indulged in (almost 3 years later). I cannot imagine having gone through that and not even being allowed to mourn at age 12.

Here’s the simple fact: The Washington Post did journalism the right way, and Jezebel did not.

I’m interested that Jezebel hasn’t covered this.

A combination of alcoholism and a rotten interior gradually working its way outwards? Yeah, I’ll buy that.

Race is way more than skin color, let’s not pretend that’s it’s just about hue. Race involves cultural, historical, and socio-political factors that are way more than skin deep, so to act as if there’s no baggage that comes with interracial coupling is off base. I’m a WOC and I don’t interracially date because I have