Gabriel Hellsing

*b0ldy steps in front of the firing line*


Here Aliens, feast your eyes on what we call internet humor. You won’t regret hanging out with us.

And shortly after, Konami won for Metal Gear Solid V and with Kojima sitting right there, the presenter had to say, “KONAMI could not be here to accept the award.”

I know this article will get a lot of “I’m tired of the cartoony look, it’s soooo bad” crap but I still love it. There are plenty of games using realistic graphics. It’s good to see video games that still look like they are video games. Especially when the art and aesthetics are so damn nice. I will never understand

I wish they would revive Courier....

As much as I lament our impending autonomous driving future, this has me all giddy with Knight Rider and Batmobile fantasies.

Tesla is quickly making all of our Knight Rider dreams come true.

I’ve found that Fahey is a VERY sensitive person and if you even slightly offend him or have a differing opinion, you will be struck to the greys forever.

You won’t see a surprise announcement I’m guessing, the research thay make for that is long-term and probably won’t come to fruition before the whole game is released.

I`ve been a member for like, 8 years now? Still gray, commented a lot, been here since kotaku gave scores on review, then changed to what we liked didnt like, that was the golden age, it was beautifully neutral, not this play, dont play bullshit.
Stoped commenting and reading reviews here for some time now.

You leave out Sid Meier’s Alpha Centauri? For shame.

These are not the 72 virgins they were expecting.

It is indeed the Danish word for poop.

ae = æ
bæ = poop

So yeah. There ya have it.

I use everything in the bag pretty regularly, though things are always shifting in and out. I’m not currently carrying the playing cards, but when I took this picture I had lots of offline time with friends and a card deck was pretty useful.