US & Canada only, go friggin' figure.
US & Canada only, go friggin' figure.
Is it just me, or did the guy that grabbed the sneakers sound like Jack Black?
Kentucky Fried Combusken. 8D
Okay, so! Question time: What's the oldest computer you've used?
For me, it's an IBM XT, that was modified to have a hard drive. (Which had an on/off switch, or the computer couldn't load the programs from the floppy disks.)
Man, i lost many hours to that damn thing. So many awesome games.
Over the last 9 years, I've spent 2039.9 hours playing this selection, which includes 591 items, is valued at $8098.02, and requires 2075.4 GB
Hah, I'm not surprised to see this chair on the list. I've got one myself, and it's probably the best computer chair my ass has been planted on.
Because plugging a controller into a PC is such hard work. ;D
So wait, Denmark has something that's standard for all banks that 'murika doesn't? I'm surprised. We've been able to automate payment of bills for decades now. o.o''
Maybe that's Peter Molyneux. The Ozzie Osbourne of video games.
Sure looks like it. :3
Thats easy enough, you just need to mount the Dungeon Keeper folder in Dosbox and then edit your keeper.cfg file. :D
I think we should just stop including the Wii U in the same generation as the PS4 and Xbone. It's got last gen hardware, just like the Wii had when it was released.
Eh. I play SNES games on my 3DS XL using an R4i card. It doesn't have a seperate processor (and thus can't play GBA games), and they still run buttery smooth.
My resolutions:
So McDonalds in Sweden held a competition earlier in the year. The winner got to name a burger. And now we have a burger named after an eSports team.
Come on guys. Where's the "Both" option? >_>
Personally? I'd say it's definitely worth it. I haven't been this excited about a Pokémon game since Crystal.
Except that with Pokemon in their pockets, Nintendo effectively has a license to print money. So.. Nah. They're good.
4600 POUNDS. That's $7190
Maia - Sci-Fi Colony-Builder