Gabriel Cash

In fairness, BVS is so bad it should be mentioned often near the words “failure,” “boneheaded,” and “awful.”

Yup, that’s all this article is, just “look at how bad BvS” is. Definitely not an analysis of how two similar works deal with the same theme in different ways.

Now playing

I prefer this other guy’s takedown of Cinemasins. Here is a playlist:

You have identified the main problem with the show. Get past the Negan what? It’s the same shit over and over again. Disperse, reunite, beat a boss. It’s become the most boring shit on TV, and people eat get eaten - That’s saying something.

Also, that’s a pretty ridiculous false equivalency with DiCaprio. Being Handsome, Rich, Famous and having lots of sex is not sexual harassment or sexual assault.

Really? Everyone knows that? Well I didn’t.

Nah, fuck that. Terror of a slippery slope doesn’t justify what Gawker did, and “free press” doesn’t literally mean you get to do absolutely anything as long as you have a press badge. Gawker got what they deserved, and Weinstein will lose this case, as he should.

I also like that I have to click three different things to read “pending” comments that maybe don’t toe whatever line kinja is selling. It’s the internet—nobody here isn’t completely desensitized to everything.

Really loving the new setup. I used to hate being able to quickly scan the entire page to see what new stories were available. This new setup where you have to scroll and scroll and then click load more stories until you decide you’ve read everything is much better. ASSHOLES

Here’s my reply:

Most American people did not vote for this. In fact, most voters did not vote for this.

The GOP is a death cult. There is no reason to force through this Graham-Cassidy bill except out of sheer malevolence, it’s ideological warfare against the poor and non-rich. Yes, they will shove the money they steal towards the rich, that’s one motive. But overwhelmingly it is because they are truly hateful

They got shut down because the violated the privacy of an individual by posting a sex tape recorded without that person’s consent. You know, like what the hacker behind the “fappening” is in jail for now. And when they were told to take it down, they refused. That’s what got them destroyed in court. Calling Hulk Hogan

Yeah, but Stone and Parker can’t make fun of pseudo-intellectual racists wearing polo shirts and khakis because that’s their target audience. Their entire shtick for decades has been lazy, inaccurate demonization of liberals as “nanny-state tyrants” with a few toothless, token jabs thrown at conservatives so they can

Sure, but the restaurant’s lifetime ban after catching a guy jacking off into the salad bar is still going to be enforced no matter how many AA meetings he went to.