
Yes, these are novel in the States. Once you breathe that two-stroke exhaust, you will instantly be transported back to the other side of the iron curtain. While manageable on Europe’s backroads, keep in mind that you are on American roads. Taking this to car shows and meet-ups is only a good idea if you plan on

Whops... Red is the GTI. So it is Black, Blue and White.

Nice thought, but sometimes not possible. Case in point in the US the 2022 VW R comes in 3 colors. Black, Red and Blue.  

Cancel culture must have had something to do with this!

A friend recently commented on how light and tosable her 2018 Prius was. I looked it up and at about 3,000 lbs, I can see her point considering what cars weigh these days. ( Fond thoughts go out to Colin Capman, founder of Lotus - add lightness!)

Amen! - The owner of a 2015 TDI Sportwagen.

Wow. Congrats for having the fortitude to put up with that. Was there perhaps a dealer survey that followed your purchase? I know I wouldn’t want smucks like that to waste my time.

Have they been talking to Honda? 

Dry scones, if they were any good home made ones if the first place, are great on ice cream. But, those wheels really are horrible!

I do so wonder how the supposed efficiency of these extra-large ships is offset by their tendency to get stuck and the associated costs? I understand the after the prior incident at Suez, it was months before the ship was released by the authorities.

To an extent I agree, but thinking that you needed a Phd is a bit rich. How about practical people who didn’t buy into what Detroit was selling? This past weekend on the way to the plant nursery, I saw no less than two VW cabovers. One was in the parking lot as I was loading my purchases, so I got in complement to the

1. You are right. I have bigger vacuum system, and I always undo the drail plug. Never had I not a splash of oil draining afterwards. My VW TDIs oilfilter sits in a cup. I use the vacuum to remove the residual oil in the cup.

Yep, that was a bit much. I have a ‘01 Golf. However, in college, I did an entire apartment move accross town in an ‘86 Golf, couch and all.

The counterpoint on what a typical buyer needs versus what they actually buy ,a vehicle with an open-air bed that secures nothing, is a great observation. What an interesting and thoughtfull article. Speaks to how well trucks can be marketed. Thank you.

How about amking this a regular feature?

Jalopnik took a week off. Notice would have been nice. 

...thus making many service tasks Engine Out (EO) Procedures!  

That does sound much more civilized! I do think that dealers tend to make the purchase process a dreaded experience, especially in this market. 

What should I do if a possum gets in the house? Take the doberman outside and make her drop it. (We have had lizards and skinks get in, and the dogs tend to miss them. Possums travel the fence line to reach the fruiting trees in our neighborhood.)

Why not do both? I do and noticed a marked increase in the whiteness of my teeth. I say that as an avid tea and coffee fan. Yes, it is an extra 3-4 mintures, but these are your teeth. Take care of them. I am hooked on the clean feeling of the results. It is possible to score a waterpik at sale. I think mine was $60 or