Gabiatche rides 2CVs and DSs for a Livin'

I once had something similar happen in cape verde in an old w115 mercedes taxi. I had just landed there and took this cab in particular because I was amazed that it was still soldiering on after all those years. I chatted a bit with the driver along the way and to show me his car was still going strong he floored it

yeah I drove a ratty 1st gen picasso through portugal. pretty ugly but that thing was comfy as fuck in terms of butt-suspension. didn’t had much occasions to hoon it tho...

Never been at the wheel of a scenic, I’ve always had problems with the design of it. did you?

Old renaults used to be quite bullet proof, but they kind of scuttled the ship they were sailing with these ones.
Too bad because the more recent ones, aside from their (in my opinion) fugly designs are based on some of the best FWD chassis (along with Peugeot).

Why? for us EuroJalops there’s really nothing to be excited about this laguna, the engines were mostly crap and the interior kind of terrific. they were so plagued with troubles that most of the early ones in that generation have had some of the worst depreciation of the last decade and destroyed Renault’s reliability

sorry Michael but being french AND pedantic, i’ll have to correct you:
Ce n’est pas une voiture pour les rosbeefs!
I wish they’d still make the hydractive suspension on newer cars...

I don’t think we rode in the same car then. As long as the Hydractive suspension works you won’t feel anything on the cobbles, but it’s true that if the spheres are worn out then the ride gets a lot less cushy. I’m planning on getting one on the cheap when my budget will allow it

BRAAAAAAAAAAAAP. Freedom served.

a good commuter/ people mover is the basis of a healthy car-guy life. you don’t need much in your commuter, just that it remains reliable, returns an acceptable-for-your-budget fuel and maintenance cost and comfy so you can save the rest for your wildly supercharged 4WD Baja V12 manual go-kart.
doesn’t mean you don’t

Given the nature of the suspension/chassis balance, this car will understeer a lot, which is why you can tell he’s really in MAXIMUMATTACKMODEOMFG!!1! most of the time. In all the year’s i’ve been hooning these, i’ve rarely had the occasion to push it enough to reach oversteering.
BTW: they love racing!

Well, Europe might not be as nice as you think it is, except in germany/switzerland/netherlands, but for the rest you have fast lane hogs everywhere.

here's pretty much every europeans living in any large city laughing out loud about that...
our parking sensors are usually bumpers, front n' rear. that spot is slightly too tight? well bumpers are also made so you can push cars right?

As a parisians, how many times did I dreamt of doing this...

Back when Turbo was a show about cars... DAT WAIL, DAT GLORIOUS WAIL! oh lawdy!


On old 2CVs, the motto is "fix it with a hammer. well i did fixed it once with 2 paper clips. 1 to secure the fuel line to the carb, and the other to help make a contact between the alternator and it's rusted out cable...

They're not really Citroens, since they were designed before Citroen's takeover of Panhard, but still, fun cars :)

Although all of those example show some blatant evidence of stupidity or at least blatant disregard for things like road rules, self-preservation and common courtesy, most of those stupid moves were very predictible and even though it's tempting to show them they're wrong, I value "not crashing or having to brutally

It does in Europe :) becoming relatively common in france for example

It might come from Europe.
Here in France it's very common to do so since plates are very easy to replicate and car thieves then steal a car similar to yours and sell it to people who are to exactly very regarding on the legitimity of the car's information. You can then use them for many things, most commonly speeding