Gabiatche rides 2CVs and DSs for a Livin'

somewhere between humbling and pucker-inducing.

Well they do use both the towers and the rivers, but there are some environmental laws which regulates the temperature of the water output in the river in order to avoid significant temp differences which would have negative consequences, hence the famous cooling towers we associate with nuclear plants ;)

Reminds me that the last time I saw one of these monsters in Paris, I had to take extreme evasive action in a 2CV (read: Pray very fast) to avoid being crushed by it's Donk-styled spinning chrome wheels because the asshat loosely attached to the steering wheel didn't saw the traffic light and most likely was on the

there isn't that many rivers that freeze in france mostly because our weather isn't very cold, it's mostly oceanic influence causing relatively mild winters, along with the fact that our nuclear plants are using relatively large rivers that wouldn't freeze anyway, unless we get to a "day after tomorrow" kind of day...

Been driving oldies since i've had my licence about 8 years ago.

Damn, never realized how wide the back tires are compared to the front on the Stratos. strong case of want.
I also opened a french craigslist equivalent page to start looking for an old rwd euro crapcan...

who said you needed to be fast to win a race... just shoot'emup until you're the last car standing!

You do see quite a few classics going around in paris, but you have to consider that 60/70ish percents of the vehicles in paris are diesels (due to previous tax incentives) and a lot of them are being driven mostly in the city and nearby which tends to clog antipollution devices such as EGR valves or particle filters.

it would also be nice if they acknowledged other sources of fine particle pollutions (which is what they're targeting with this ban), such as brake pad particles, soots from various origins which seems to be responsible for at least as much as exhausts from the diesels (not to mention the direct injection gas

Well, I do drive a DS in paris, does that means i'm Ubercool? ;)
that being said, it won't be a full exclusion as those vehicles will be allowed during the week ends (including the banned ones apparently) so I guess those like me who own a potentially banned diesel as a daily will still be able to use it to go on

Easy one:
Heat seeking turtle shell launchers. got a left lane hog coming up? not a problem anymore...

Should've checked his tire pressure with a proper gage...
Too soon?

(that being said, especially in the us where it seems you have drag strips everywhere, f**k him and fast and furious wannabee racers... enjoy dropping the soapbar in jail...)

Was already frontpaged a while ago on an article by Jesus Diaz on Sploid ;)…

That being said, I don't understand the physics of this, I mean shouldn't the car be grounded to the ground given the weight of those massive balls of steel carried by the pilot and his co-pilot?

seriously, this bullshit about no-go zones needs to stop, it was just another made-up story from Fox news. try something else.
Indeed there are some rough areas in the suburbs, but it's way less dangerous than harlem or the bronx ever were... we don't have the same gun problem as 'murica...

It is very good as long as you're inside Paris. Suburban trains are a whole 'nother story, more like never on time, often stopped for any kind of reasons. But who cares about people from the suburbs, they're all poors.

First this is the rear of the boat which has the lowest freeboard, compared to the rest of the boat.
Second they did a hard turn, almost 90 degrees before the wave hits, making it list even more.

Funny how this comment could be done the opposite way as well ;)
I guess it's just fair game between them :)

I was about to say something about Russia. then I saw it happened in Thailand... Holy smoke...

Used to drive on in paris for work quite regularly (and by the way if you get to paris you can rent a tour either in that or a 2cv) and that's the saddest thing to have happened to me so far 'cause right now i can't afford one.
It's just a whole 'nother world in so many ways that once you got used to the slightly weird

Problem is, most of the times those where pissed off by those were either idiots, ignorants or bigots (most of the times a combination of those factors), you can't let your policy being dictated by them, isn't it? Plus they hardly ever lost a trial. anybody with half a brain here is finding them fun, including most