
Teddybears, "Cobrastyle"

Forever crushing on Starbuck. But I definitely have a guy-love for Chief.

Orange is the New Black was one of the best seasons of television I've seen in a while. And by far my favorite discovery was Key & Peele, which I was relegated to watching only through individual YouTube-available sketches.

Oh yeah, crazy polyrhythms like only tUnE-yArDs knows how to do. And the weird guy at the end of the video is my favorite.

Nothing this year has even begun to compete with "Water Fountain," arguably the highlight of tUnE-yArDs' essentially perfect 2014 album "Nikki Nack." It's like a children's rhyme gone horribly wrong, and by the time the shouting hits at the end, you're shouting along.

I just finished Ellison's 'Invisible Man' and now I'm working through 'Revolutionary Road.' Very different.

There's no way I would be into music the way I am now without my older sister. When I had my bar mitzvah in the 8th grade, one of her presents to me was to lend me her giant portfolio book of CDs to listen to, explore, and upload to my computer at will—over 200 CDs from her high school music-listening peak in the

Hail, hail Freedonia!

Fountains of Wayne— "Stacy's Mom"

To be fair, didn't the Wiz get there first?