GåßëÊdwå®d§: Back in black.

Thosee few, those happy few... that band of brothers; 
    For them that day that shed snow on camera 
    Shall be brothers; be they ne'er so vile, 
    This day shall gentle their condition; 
    And gentlemen in the world-over, now-a-working 
    Shall think themselves accurs'd they were not here, 
    And hold their

Nikon D3200


Wanderlust. Lots of flabby nakedness running full-tilt-boogie. Awesome.


Youtube's policy on shocking and disgusting content... sucks donkey dick. They can all go DIAF. I have to sign in anyway, am I not old enough to see this? Is this worse than any movie action?

They could have just rebadged a 1939-48 Ford Anglia, and put Rollsier fenders on it.

Yep, I just watched a bunch of suicide-machines doing what they do best... not protect.

You are a moron. I am certain that I can identify every part that I have tweaked, touched or upgraded in my street cars. I guarantee that I can identify every single component in my race car, without context.

Greenhouse goes too low for NA.

I think she worded it well. It was the rest of us who failed to use our basic English language reading skills correctly.

Isn't there a room over in i09 with a titanium chess set and a nice snifter of brandy?

Not sure why this isn't a Jalopnik cross-post.

Uhhhhh, yep.

Now playing

Ari Vatanen. Best, second best, and third best. End of conversation.

I see another rebranding option for Aston Martin... something between the Cygnet and the v8 Vantage.

I was just pointing out that the infractions imposed by the CVC are onerous and meaningless in terms of making us safer. Police doing police work is much more effective at preventing actual crimes than when they are pulling random drivers over for random reasons.