GåßëÊdwå®d§: Back in black.

You are SO sexist. It's not just men and lesbians who win these COTDs you know.

Is it possible that there is yet another hidden sneaky woman geeking out on car porn here? What are the odds that they BOTH have collections of scantily-clad women in exotic automobiles? Would there be catfights if they both tried to present car awards at the same time? Will we ever know?

Blood splatter is awesome. Serves him right.

If that is what it actually looks like, then I will dragon it like Ray Wert used to do...

That's a BMW e30/

Ford Mustang. End of conversation.

This is Cannes, not Detroit!

Difficulty does not a sport make. I can do engine swaps in impressive times with no injuries and a spotless work area. It requires knowledge, training, practice, technical skills, physical strength, and diagnostic prowess. I can even make it look like art in motion.

Wow, I was just ranting, but thanks!

Thanks! But alack.


+1 for you too!


Cheers sir! Grab a chair... and the beer is in the fridge.

Thank you!

I still wouldn't carry fuel in the trunk (ever) unless you are willing to accept a total loss insurance claim for your car. If you have a 99 Neon with 120k on it, sure... but you know, make your own choices. I have a transfer tank in the bed of one of my trucks (my tow rig) so I don't ever have to carry cans around.


Now playing

You are all wrong. Except for those that agree with me.

No, that is because the suspension design and steering feel were shitty. All US full size vans have more metal up top than down below. GM, Ford and Dodge made shitty vans for a very long time. That is why they roll around like a pig in poop.

I would.