GåßëÊdwå®d§: Back in black.

Cranks engine.

@Spiegel ... Colombian in PA? Do they know?

If the LBGP was good enough for F1 at one point, why can't you guys block off some roads and run an F1 race through FDR park and around the stadiums / parking lots?

Bacon Maker!


Thank you thank you thank you. A million times, thank you.

Self-induced tank-slappers are just as sensible as self-induced vomit.

I need to figure out where I can get those box fender flares...

The problem is that the US doesn't have any statesmen. Or stateswomen.

Now playing

Which would make the Zonda R the most expensive Bacon Maker.

A car for every purpose and a purpose for every car.

I too would kill for a 4-door diesel Hilux.

Thanks guys!

Will be there. Bringing the whole famn damily and a dozen (or so) friends.

@Xander Crews

Not country enough.

"What kind of sand should I bring to the beach?"

Beginner Assclowns.

96 Porsche 911 Turbo.

50 Buick...