GåßëÊdwå®d§: Back in black.

Thank you thank you thank you. A million times, thank you.

Self-induced tank-slappers are just as sensible as self-induced vomit.

I need to figure out where I can get those box fender flares...

The problem is that the US doesn't have any statesmen. Or stateswomen.

Now playing

Which would make the Zonda R the most expensive Bacon Maker.

A car for every purpose and a purpose for every car.

I too would kill for a 4-door diesel Hilux.

Thanks guys!

Will be there. Bringing the whole famn damily and a dozen (or so) friends.

@Xander Crews

Not country enough.

"What kind of sand should I bring to the beach?"

Beginner Assclowns.

96 Porsche 911 Turbo.

50 Buick...

Apparently the muffler shoots out operatic theme music.


Nope. Non sequitur.

I did mean that for DasWauto. I dunno why it doesn't say to whom I replied... coffee from Colombia, btw... get your stereotypes right dammit.

and wear helmets.