
So? You might feel better if you went and burned her house down too. But you don't do those things because they are criminal and to do them makes you a very bad person. Simply holding back from being a complete piece of shit shouldn't get you accolades.

These guys are pieces of shit and I literally hope they all die in a fire. I don't mean that metaphorically, I actually wish that they were dead. And that includes the assholes who submit these pictures. Fuck all of them.

Bollaert was arrested and charged with 31 felony counts of conspiracy, extortion, and identity theft.

Oh you don't feel like you've committed a crime? Just as well you were arrested in the United States of Fee-fee. You're free to go, you little rapscallion.

I long for the day when I don't have to pull this image out so fucking frequently.

Alright Rockstar, I know you guys know what you're doing...


They should call this show "Desperate Inventors and the Chamber of Dickheads".


Who says dogs can't smile?

I miss my Pookie. But it's much easier to see an elderly pet go than a younger one. Having had to say goodbye to two animals this year.

Yeah, I'm having a hard time with the "won't someone think of the parents' delicate widdle feewings" tone.

Okay. Is the note the most tactful way to bring this issue up? No. But this article seems to imply that it is completely outside the realm of appropriate to bring up the problem. And I'm not sure I agree with that. Stinky kids wearing dirty clothes is potentially indicative of some problem at home. So what

Obviously you don't own a WiiU. Obviously your statements are lacking actual experience with the console. Obviously you're not keeping up with the Nintendo Direct videos.

All I know is that I think Mary Cheney is an insanely brave human being - can you imagine what it would take to come out to that family?

Does anyone still think that gay marriage is going to be stopped? Dear everybody who does, you lost. This is all so ridiculous. Liz're a dick.

RIGHT. And don't forget this lil gem, which so daintily points out the "traditional" examples they cling so desperately to, because Bible Sez So.

I work in the field of risk management and safety and for the life of me cannot understand why porn actors should be exempt from PPE (personal protective equipment) when shooting movies. All employees who work in high-risk occupations (construction, manufacturing etc.) are required to wear some type of protection.

Not for nothing, but, has anybody seen my 4 year old son, Tim? He was on the tire swing earlier...

And I will say what I've been saying all along. The Wii U (and its predecessor the Wii) is a perfect choice for a second console. I don't understand why people have both a 360 and a PS3 and not a Wii. The redundancy between the 360 and the PS3 is gross, whereas one buys a Nintendo console for the massive amounts of