
What are good 3rd player games you'd recommend? I'm addicted to ZombiU right now.

Agreed. Personally seeing what Wii U offers with ZombiU re the game pad shows the potential in the system to be something totally unique.

What's this game?

May I ask what you do? As a female lawyer, I totally get what you're saying by the way.

The beautiful irony of her espousing these views is that she works in a profession where (because she is a woman) she is very likely to be fired at the first sign of crows feet. THEN will she understand?

Why don't they just build Ikea style ball pits where you drop your kid off at the beginning of the meal.

this chick makes my gaydar go off.

im not getting what the problem is except that he's being filmed...

She ties with Samantha Bee in my books. And that is a mighty compliment!

I agree that the suggestion is a TAD dated.

WOW. love this.

holy fuck her gf is hot.

Aw she looks so good. And such a happy girl now. Warms my heart.

Yup can't wait. Eat our dust WII U haters.

Much obliged!

ha sounds like its time for a coffee ;-)


GAWKER us canadians can't view these clips and it makes me oh so sad.