
...Damn, that's a lot of egg on my face!

Well, they're not going to translate the GBA version (as much as I wish they would).

No, but I've seen fish.

A better question is "Were they ever?". And the answer is no.

Nevermind the MarioKart 7 slip, that switch has clearly just been turned on.

Bundled offers are excluded from Target's pricematching policy. They won't pricematch something they technically don't sell, after all. Granted, items that come with a gift card are also excluded, and I still managed to pull something similar back when the 3DSXL came with MarioKart 7. (Best Buy had all 3DSs on sale,

And, for the record... a little above halfway is where it's at.

I guess someone's in on it.

That Machamp shouldn't have made it into the tournament; it can only learn Sheer Cold via a glitch only in the Japanese versions of Diamond and Pearl. I'm sorry you got screwed over, dude. :/

Dude, it's gelatin.

Low accuracy with most methods of raising accuracy not applying to them is enough, I guess.

If you're looking to see what the next redesign will look like, head on over to . ?tiger=off will bring you back to the current design (even on Gawker sites that have already made the switch), at least until Kinja 1.2 gets its full rollout.

The free copy of the game is to enable you to make the mod.

I look at this, and I think "Well, that black bit is obviously the hinge." It is not, and it gets me every time. I've been using this system for over two months now, and I keep trying to open it the wrong way. Were I to purchase one of these for myself, I'd have Maingear laser etch opening instructions on top.

FREE Copy of Thief via the Thief Mod Competition

Ended up doing the same. I started using fake names and the disposable Gmail address trick until I got a working code.

It's just a piece of unlicensed fan-fiction.

Doesn't work for me, either.
