There’s probably some metal cover of Mickey out there. He could use that. He should just keep coming up with less and less appropriate songs until the UFC gives in. I’m thinking the Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald would be a good one to start with.
There’s probably some metal cover of Mickey out there. He could use that. He should just keep coming up with less and less appropriate songs until the UFC gives in. I’m thinking the Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald would be a good one to start with.
I hate that too. There’s no reason that a digital copy should cost more than the physical copy. A few months ago i was buying some music on Amazon. The MP3 version of the album cost $12. The CD with Prime shipping cost $6 and I got free copies of the MP3 files.
I hate that too. There’s no reason that a digital copy should cost more than the physical copy. A few months ago i…
The nice thing about the Louvre was that the more famous pieces like the Venus di Milo and Mona Lisa were fairly close to each other. The museum is so huge that I bet most people miss 80-90% of it.
After my grandparent’s house and farm were destroyed by a tornado, my mom and her siblings took turns guarding the property at night. The newspapers had published the addresses of properties that were destroyed. My mom said she only had to chase one set of people away. Once the looters got out of their truck, my mom…
That was the premise of a new show, but the executives couldn’t decide whether Kevin would be in a pit buried up to his neck in hippo shit or if he would be standing and the the shit piled up until it reached neck level.
The good thing about Spotted Cow is that it usually is on tap even at places with small beer selections, so at least I can have a decent beer with dinner. When I bring beer home after visiting relatives in Wisconsin, I now bring back Moon Man instead of Spotted Cow.
Kuhn’s gone? Who is going to come into the game on 3rd and 1 in a critical situation, get the hand off, and get stuffed for a 1 yard loss because the defense and everyone in the stadium saw it coming?
Those aren’t fans. The people shown outside are those annoying card-slappers.
I’m surprised the pharmaceutical companies aren’t more involved. They could have Epi Pen Arena. “Epi Pen Arena: If you thought our life saving drug was marked up excessively, wait until you check out our concession prices.”
My philosophy on airline tickets is that if you see a good price, buy it. If the flight you’ve been looking at has been $500 consistently and drops to $400 on day, just buy it. It’s probably going to go up. I’ve missed out on a couple of deals before just because I waited a day or two.
The original Wisconsin/Illinois border was supposed to be about 50 miles south too. The border was originally drawn at the southern tip of Lake Michigan. Chicago would be part of Wisconsin if the border wasn’t changed.
The only way there will be any changes is if there is an accident where people die because they can’t evacuate quickly enough due to the cramped seating. Until then, the seat pitch will continue to shrink if the airlines can get an extra row or two of seats on the plane.
It’s shame they crammed in 9 seats on that plane because it ruined it. I liked the 787 when I flew on it last year. However, I was in premium economy on Air Canada with only 7 seats across. The 9 seat across economy section looked really cramped.
Big kid did that the other day. Stupid leaky diaper.
I do find it somewhat reassuring when a plane crashes not long before one of my flights. I figure the airlines will be checking their planes more thoroughly and a crash will be less likely when I fly. I’m sure that doesn’t actually happen and even if it did, it would not make an difference. Statistically the odds of…
I always wanted to do what Homer Simpson did when he was arrested.
I actually enjoyed it because I am usually the one getting the pat down. She always used to laugh about my misfortune. I have an insulin pump. The manufacturer of my previous pump said not to go through the body scanners with it and it couldn’t be x-rayed either. I would always get patted down and some of them were…
I think it’s a combination of no filtering since you aren’t wearing clothes and the heated air in the shower rising and bringing the smell instantly up to your nose with no dissipation. This seems like something that should get some sort of scientific study.
That’s pretty much how I feel. If something is so dangerous that it can’t go on a plane, why is it safe to throw in a garbage can. I also haven’t figured out why a 6 oz juice box is dangerous but two 3 oz ones are safe. My wife got hassled for having a couple of 6 oz juice boxes in a quart bag for our son. The first…
I do that in my Volt if people are mindlessly walking in the middle of an aisle in a parking lot. I don’t honk but I get close. Does the Tesla have anything for warning pedestrians? The Volt has a button on the end of turn signal that gives a quieter short repeated chirping of the horn. It mostly just confuses people…