
The one where the plane landed in Peoria is funny because the flight attendant said they had no gates to accommodate the regional jet. Outside of Allegiant, all of the airlines only fly regional jets out of Peoria.

Obama’s other energy secretary was a Nobel Prize winner in Physics. It seems like Trump is picking some of the worst nominees just to dare Congress to reject them.

Whenever I see Perry with the glasses, I just think of Homer finding the glasses in the toilet.

There is a motorcycle racer named Maverick Vinales. His dad was a big fan of Top Gun and named his son because of it. It puts some pressure on the kid to go into an exciting career like motorcycle racing or stuntman because I don’t think I would be comfortable trusting my finances to an accountant named Maverick.

In a row?

One of the craziest nights I had was when I ended up bar hopping with a group of Finns the night before the USGP in Indy on 05. I don’t think I’ve ever seen people drink that much and remain upright.

I’m sure Fox figured the Packers would run it or throw a short pass and he wanted to keep the extra time to try to win the game in regulation. It seemed smart at the time since the Bears had all of the momentum.

The Chipotle one reminds me of this Subway ad from The Onion:

Just be careful firing your gun straight up in the air. The stadium design will reflect the sound and the bullet onto the playing field.

Pretty much the last few minutes of that game is hell as a Packers fan. 10 things had to go exactly the right way for the Seahawks to win and they all did.

I remember being in high school in the early 90's and my school district in Wisconsin closed because the temperature was going to be -25 to -30. The reason they closed was because they were afraid they wouldn’t be able to get the buses to run due to the diesel fuel gelling.

As long as I can stay up to 9 pm or so local time when I get to Europe, I have no problem with jet lag. Usually the excitement of being in Europe is enough to keep me awake. I haven’t found a good method of coping coming back the the US though. It doesn’t matter if I stay awake or sleep on the flight back. I

Speaking of the Sprint/Verizon guy, I think there needs to be a way to banish annoying spokespeople/ad campaigns. I don’t necessarily want to see the company go away, just the ads. For example, I occasionally like to go to Sonic but I would really like to see the two idiots in their commercials sent to some remote

Last year on a flight my wife was watching Trainwreck. There is a scene at the beginning where a naked John Cena is using part of his anatomy as a towel rack. Right at that moment, the movie paused on that scene as the crew was making announcements. Since it was an international flight, they made announcements in

I want to know how they reproduce. Have they enslaved humans to work in their factories assembling them? Do they mate like animals do. If they mate, then that would be weird to see, especially in the Planes movies where they have aircraft carriers.

I think it’s more like 2004. In 2000 I don’t think people thought that Bush was going to be as bad as he was. By 2004, it was apparent that he was awful, yet he still won.

In Turkey they had what they called Taco flavored Doritos. They were much better than the Taco ones we have here. I’ve been trying to find anything similar but have had no luck.

Why do all of these significant officiating errors happen in Seattle so often? Are the refs intimidated by the crowd? Are the games fixed? There has to be something going on.

My first car was a late 70's Buick LeSabre. I feel like I wasted some of it’s potential now.

The same Reagan who was for gun control, raised taxes multiple times, and gave amnesty to illegal immigrants? I never hear much about that side of him when people are singing his praises.