
I’m also a Packers fan and there is something wrong with the entire team. Rodgers is off and when he does make a nice throw, the receivers drop it. The receivers can’t get open. The O-line can’t block. The defense has no pass rush which leads to the secondary getting torched. Special teams are not good as usual.

All 9 of his supporters were deeply saddened after hearing the news.

I had season tickets to my local minor league team and the best intermission entertainment was the little kids playing. Most of them would just end up in a pile after they all chased the puck. There would always be one kid who could skate far better than everyone else and better than I probably ever will be able to.

Sometimes they have to be careful of the ambulance.

I live close enought my office that I can go home for lunch. The UPS guy usually shows up around 5 pm, but today he showed up while I was eating. I got to open up the game but had to go back to work. I have concert tickets tonight so I probably won’t get to play anyway.

I got mine from Best Buy and the weight says 8 lbs on UPS’s site. I’m ticked that mine arrived at UPS’s Chicago area hub on Saturday morning which is about two hours from me. Usually that means something will be delivered the next business day. Not with this one, it’s still in Chicago. I bought the guide from Amazon

It’s not an ad campaign but I’m amused when it says “Closed Course, Professional Driver, Do Not Attempt” when the car is normally driving down a straight road at 30 mph. I know a bunch of lawyers require that on any car commercial. On the other hand, there will be ads where it’s supposedly “ordinary people” driving

I think it is more of a natural reaction by Rossi. It looks like the knee moved when Marquez’s helmet touched Rossi. Rossi was wrong to run Marquez wide, but I think he was trying to send a message that battling each corner wasn’t helping them catch Lorenzo.

I was disappointed the game ended on a field goal. I was hoping Brees would get a chance to break the passing TD record.

I DVR’d the game last night and I had to stop watching. I told my wife we should watch The Walking Dead because I needed to watch something happier. After that was over, I pretty much fast forwarded through a large part of the second half and didn’t miss anything. Denver has a hell of a defense and the Packers

I was at a hotel in Istanbul a couple of years ago and the plumbing & sewer system is really old in the historic center of the city. It can’t handle toilet paper very well, so there was a wastebasket next to the toilet where used toiler paper was supposed to go. That was common to everywhere in that area.

I was in Montreal several years ago and there was a restaurant and Notre Dame that both took US dollars. The exchange rate was even at the time. The tourist areas in Mexico almost always take dollars too. They tend to give a lousy exchange rate on the dollar. Instead of the actual 12 to 1 peso to dollar rate, they

I’ve never driven a Spark, but I got an Aveo as a loaner once. That thing was especially awful on the highway and terrible everywhere else.

I like to have football on in the background. I would much rather have it on my big ass TV instead of streaming on my laptop or phone.

What happened to their uniforms? I remember watching that in the 80’s on ESPN, when they had nothing else to show, and they refs looked like they were going on safari or something.

I had a driver’s ed teacher who wouldn’t let us exceed 45 MPH because he was afraid the magnetic student driver signs would fall off the car. This wasn’t much of a problem on the interstate because cars could easily pass in the other lane. It became a problem when he decided to take us out on the two lane highway

I’ve heard it referred to as Whitefolks Bay, so this isn’t surprising.

Lambeau seems to hold up pretty well with their grass & synthetic surface and heating system. I’m not sure why more teams don’t go to that system. It seems like Washington, Chicago, and Pittsburgh could switch to that. I’m also not sure why they can’t have a decent field in California. Is the drought responsible for

My wife likes Bit-O-Honey for some unknown reason. They are just awful.

My mom liked those so she would buy them to hand out. We always seemed to have plenty left over too. Those things have to be in the bad candy hall of fame.