
Too bad about the cars, but it really upsets me about the dogs.

Modern jet engines were a British invention.

Britain’s Frank Whittle and German scientists largely developed jet engines in parallel and without knowing of each other’s work. Robert Goddard (an American) is probably the person most-credited for inventing liquid rockets.

If being in the minority makes it wrong let’s talk about the metric system... :-P

Basically all the countries that the UK conquered.

He was able to stop with several feet to spare in a situation where coming to a complete stop was entirely unexpected. That’s why it’s not tailgating.

It costs $70000 in America because there are barely any there, in the Uk they cost about £5000 for a second hand one, it’s just rarity value

I thought the idea of sweepstakes was to encourage people to enter?

To further drive the point home.

Those are some nice cars for a college. By nice, I mean fairly new.

Wow. Talk about tossing money down the drain. Not a reflection on you specifically, but the calibre of “writers” (and I use those quotes very intentionally, and the term very very very loosely) simply doesn’t justify 70K minimum. Particularly Gawker and Jezebel, two of the leading examples of shittiest writing and

but what about the

Now playing

Here’s how to do it..................like a boss!

can i just get it like this.. but with a proper full cage.. and a nice fat cow bar in front?

huh, that is odd since the first thing that comes up when you search for “coumbine” is below, sounds like a shooting to me.

Partitions in the back of Police cars seems to be just an American thing, elsewhere the Cops go for the simpler option of just sticking the perp in the back seat on the passenger side with the co-drive sitting alongside to administer a slap if they misbehave.

Had to go quick, it’s the end of the day lol

Honestly there are worse ways to go than falling asleep from oxygen deprivation. Tragic but I’d take it over drowning any day of the week.

Thank god that the Pentagon will be doing the thinking and telling him where to sign.