
Honorable mention: Japan

Unleaded water only; none of that Flint stuff.

Hey, go fuck yourself.

I drive four-wheel-drum cars in modern traffic all the time. If you don’t tailgate, you’ll be fine. Vintage cars aren’t some sort of horrific death machines, they’re just vintage. And you have to drive them that way.

Nice post, Jackass!.

I have spent time in the UK as well as various parts of Europe and we could learn a bit from them about taking care of our own rather and providing basic human comfort to people in need.

Your attack on the UK is especially stupid since they are our staunchest ally and would follow us to Hell and

It’s nice to have a seat at the table of powerful people. Also, you never know when your allies might abandon you or be wrecked. One Vanguard sub means the UK can destroy your shit no matter what happens to the rest of the world. Are you suggesting the Brits rely entirely on the American deterrent?

The offer from a previous post still stands. Come to the UK and I’ll give you a tour of the house of the one person who has a job here. Obviously we’ll still need my ex-airforce buddies for protection because, you know, Muslim no-go zones but, hey, I’m sure we can manage it without you getting shot or drinking

people do that now - except they’re in the driver’s seat

Now playing

...and this is for all the peones who like me get the effin’ message: “The uploader has not made this video available in your country” because, what the eff’ that’s so racist!!! #othercountriesmatter #othercountriesneverforget #othercountrieswilleffupyours

It might be a further play on the fact that Archer’s timeline is completely ambiguous. They have the Soviet Union still around, modern cell phones, 1980's computer terminals, reel-to-reel hard drives, 1960's clothing, and cars from all over the years.