
like most Fanfictions waaaaaaaay to weird for me....

Missed the best one.

I can't wait until having the Olympic torch in space signifies that there will be Olympic sports in space.

When the first Harry Potter movie was released, I was talking to my Friday night DM about the movie and I hypothesized that the world depicted was a fantasy world where technology had triumphed. The fighters and thieves became civilians, the clerics lost their powers as their worshipers fell away, and the magic users

That comic Nerf NOW!! did about the situation sums up my thoughts.

Calm down, brah.
I`ve encountered none of these issues.

Maybe if you try playing it on something more powerful than a toaster you wouldn`t have these issues.

This should be a game mode.

My favorite one:

I like the y's and g's. Stylish.

And I'll watch it in Internet Explorer, it's like, META, OR SOMETHING

It is so similar to the style of Kunkka.

Also, Yggdrasil not Yggdrisil.

Methinks someone took the Winamp credo a bit too seriously...

Sounds like the plot to Hangover 7

It's Ragnarök, not Ragnorak. You can also use Ragnarøkkr. I've never seen anyone use your version, and I've got a couple of Norse mythology books.

The true misfits of space.

i missed the whole DC part...
i really thought it was Marvel talking about a movie with Danielle Moonstar [alias - Mirage]

I wonder if there's any way to write to the terrorist. Just write a public letter to him/her on a popular Japanese website that says "Thank you sir or madam. Thanks to your actions and threats popularized on the news, I have found Kuroko No Basuke and I really like the manga and anime so far. Without you this wouldn't

Their triggers feel cheap. The thumbstick placement is far from ideal for playing shooters, and those thumbsticks have a deadzone as big as a mass grave.