
heh they made it not appear anymore on the page, nice move, but i just reply to it and it reappears, look magic !

IRL friends and guild/clan/ team mates ( not even all of them, cause you don't talk or like all of them) of games i play, with those my list easily goes way past of 50 online most of time, now.. during weekends....

Good for you, if finding friends here on the give away your steamID fest is really an awesome way for you to make friends, even if just trying to have a chance to get inside a beta.
Also the "incredibly attractive" part wasn't necessary, i'm not saying it's a lie, just wasn't necessary.

THAT would be awesome !

At least in MySpace they would already have TOM the admin as their friend when making an account there.

yep to have a chance to BE selected. I'm already eligible, already did all that, play from time to time in Big-screen mode, public profile, lots of community guides and helping on bug threads of several games and couldn't careless about it. Let them test, when it's finally good and finished i'll take a look and maybe

that's sad...

Best BAT Series EVER !

I miss Destruction Derby and the Vigilante8 games =/

Check out how many layers of sound there are: The underlying churn of traffic, the bursts of music from passing cars, engines, the chatter of passersby, and so on... it's astounding that Rockstar has been able to program this much audio and have it change as often as it does.

Made me Think of those Portal 1 & 2 security warnings

who wouldn't...

GTAV hype... just ignore and walk around... it's better that way

you guys... are way too deep into it

Now playing

i prefer brizzy's version, you know... the same from that pokemon video

Loved FFXIV, but passed to just leave this here...

in my country... well... if you don't import them you're probably fucked(which i have done to 3), unless you read online, but online reading sucks =/