to show how old those ideas are !
to show how old those ideas are !
so they took the idea that Runescape and other games have been doing for a long time which is to make a free world where players can build anything and any content in their "New" MMO ?
and it took that long to think of doing that?
Next should be Pepsiman ?
The game can't handle it, if one dies every, EVERY MEEPO no matter who killed who and from which team they belong, dies xD
it's the digital MOE draw invasion...
i know that feeling... i was hyped for Divinity Dragon Commander, but after playing it it's just SC2 in medieval fantasy...
I miss those good Age of Empires and Age of Mythologies matches...
"I'm not sure I'm convinced, though—maybe that's my aversion to religion—but I definitely feel a tad unsettled by the comparison"
Exactly some points were good others not much... but i don't like religion talks or discussions as i also don't follow any, i just think that while you can do good things and / or at least…
wanna see something weird? make a lobby match with friends mid only, where everybody(or both) pick only meepos !
besides that SMITE has the best Matchmaking search any game could have.
wasn't there a movie... ' The Prestige ' i think where a magician used a teleport machine made Tesla or something, that works like a copying machine in the end?
maybe it was like "okay he won't do it again"
"Two times in a row he won't do it again"
"three times?"
"whatever GG i'm out..."
it's sad when you notice that all you ever needed to beat the best star craft player and champion was simply to really rush attack instead of doing a lot of tactics...
it actually has 50% chance of being a really good movie because it will have Batman, otherwise i wouldn't even want to watch it.
correction she was cosplaying little sisters
cause it's a trend to destroy franchises and don't make things up to what fans want...
nah Elizabeth just happened to open a tear to our dimension a while ago...
Two Champs? Meh...
Meepo says Hi
Really awesome and Funny, but big spoilers if you haven't played or finished the game yourself
LoL ? almost every item just reduces cooldowns, cause you know the point of the game is which team spell spam faster over the other, but were not talking about that...