
Sure... a LoL Clone...
You know... in both Garena and Battle.net there's alot thousands of maps like that, which use the base from the Dota (warcraft) to create other gamemap, but with other themes.
Like Sacred War Revolution = Which is basically a dota map revamped with whole new models and particles based on the

Do that. It's a really good game, but sadly underrated and overlooked, has a good replayability and multiplayer.

Now playing

i liked Remember Me world design and art, but the story and game weren't that good. Enjoyable.

Alpha Protocol you say.. remember to upgrade the Pistols and get the Slow Motion Power or you'll have a hard time on the Drug Disco Boy Boss -.-

as a follower of Hunter x Hunter manga i'm really but really used to hiatus....
5 weeks is really nothing =/

what are you talking about?????? Guinso left icefrog and the team, copying 90 % of the heroes ideas and making LoL, other part of the team left and made HoN.
Icefrog decided to move to DOTA 2, while Blizzard started working on her own moba. Also most of Warcraft lore isn't really exclusive... orcs, elves, undead,

exactly ! maybe konami doesn't like easy money?

V is also good (kinda slow sometimes, but good) , II is the best of all. Here's a timeline to explain. Tierkreis never happened in the original storyline.

And some people still say FF7 is the best rpg from psx.... dumb people.

i made a lot of friends in matches, but there's also now the guild/clan system which make it easier to talk with good people. Still i agree you should have at least a friend with you since the start if you never played this kind of games.


indeed but i'm interested about the new animations of WOODCUTTING AND FISHING !

Well... A lot of Pokemon just DON'T have any evolutions.
So maybe that's not a case of the "B button"

Some people really should learn to take care of they're own life...
let the kid and they're parents be.
Nothing serious happened. Just silly clothes, that the kid doesn't even understand, like many other clothes, but because it was in a magazine people went OMG.

i fear that HL 3 can go only 2 ways now...
The Duke Nukem Forever or luckily the The Diablo 3 way

I don't why people complain so much that MOBAs are hard to get in or confusing.
Back not so long ago, when there was only Dota around and a lot of people played it on Warcraft 3, there was no in game tutorials or any shit like that to teach you.
Oh you want to learn and be good? Play, search and read forums, Play

going to sleep... I've just misread it as legend of dragoon got excited and then... it was gone...

Now playing

just would like to know about 2 things
1- will we get special DUEL scene things like those in suikoden series, which used the rock, paper, scissor style (defend, attack, wild attack) those were so epic !
2- will there be a bath house?

of course no one is tired of gladiators from Rome, or pirates, and the same kind of setting and myths that are used over and over and over...
They have a great potential. It's just your taste and point of view.