
Kingdom Hearts 3
it's over Microsoft !

destroy ? why? there isn't AND "supposedly" there won't be classic pvp in warframe if you look around the Devs posts in the game forum and their talks in the last twitch streams about it. It's focus is PvE.

right i remember fable 3...
It was Fun to play with a friend at the start, but so many clusterfucking ingame bugs that fuck your missions and your save/load forcing you to restart the whole game again and again since the begin, that you just end up wanting to throw the disc away.
Fable:Lost Chapters = Best Fable ever.

Now playing

Still waiting on news to know about if Cross-Platform play (PC - PS4) and account linking will be a thing with Warframe.
Sony i really hope it does so.

i remember that the first book i had, Dragons of Autumn Twilight i had a few problems reading it at the start, but afterwards i had to buy the whole series !

Dragonlance! or make a real good production series like Song of Ice and Fire managed with Game of Thrones.
Man so many things i'd like to see like Lorac's Dream/Nightmare or Takhisis in the Abyss or the Dark Woods and the Wizard/Mage Towers, everything is way too epic from that series. I might reread those now to

the cute title will be taken from Itsy when "El gato" finally become available

We know it's old, even i complained about it, but if you think you could make better articles/ posts about specific games/ things you're good then do it and post them on kotaku TAY open forum, cause several good posts from there are usually redirected to the main kotaku or taken as reference by the writers.

i'm always feeding the rage of fanboys like you with truth o/

Sorry but that's old as fuck, these ones are more recent

cause of course I'D LOVE TO FEEL THE PAIN AND IMPACT from the games i play OF COURSE !

and that play in the dark?

wait what? Good Boy?
that was really a nice plot twist !

my ears couldn't stand 30 seconds of it -.-
now i have to clean my mind with the original one

Not really every game, i'm not like an achievement hunter or anything as nowadays there are some (if not a lot) of really stupid achievements around in every game, i just feel like to search around for secrets as i play trying to fully complete the game at it's first run. Collectibles like that mostly i try to get all

Oh look it's Sonic Galaxy, oh Nintendo how creative and kind of you
i'm done, Sonic is now dead for me.

wrong... recently the reasons are college exams and work, but hopefully this weekend i can get to go my gf house, so don't charge your problems on the others o/