
Ah Suikoden, if asked to pick the best rpg title i ever played of all it would be Suikoden 2, the whole series is fantastic, i remember the first time i looked it in a store saying to myself what that game could be like? then it was love at first playing hours xD

I just wonder one thing, will some of shepard's friends still exist and/or be talked/commented about in M4? like liara or samara, both can live for a long time.

Here we go again....

Again, like i said to others here.... i never said i didn't like it, the story is great during most of time, the game mechanics that could have been done better, it's just that to me it is not a top game serie, but a enjoyable game.

i also dislike those kind of people who are either "OMG its so good" or "IT sucks hard" those are way too far extremes from each to use only those to comment something, it actually shows how much someone knows about what is been talked.

I was and a really crazy one, but that doesn't change the reason i don't find it super awesome. Also i never said it was bad. I liked the series story, at least most of it, just didn't like it's mechanics, the story in fact was the only thing that kept me playing it. But would never say it was a top game for me.

Were really different bro, but that's not bad, also not even close to my pick to GOTY last Year....

i liked the game and i liked it's story, it's just that for me it could have been a lot better and have better game mechanics. But wouldn't never say it was a top game for me, sometimes you play some games because you already beat all the ones that you that had that wish to beat or/and play, so you find something to

i didn't had problems with the story too, in fact that was what kept me playing, but the rest was sure annoying. the thing was just that it could be a lot better at a least for me, maybe i'm just way too picky for my own good xD

Witcher was good... NOT THAT omg this game is/was so fucking great...

no, obsidian it's that company with really good titles that most of time are simply overlooked by people, but really loved by it's fans.

Now playing

10 hours of AMAZING HORSE, give it a lick!

never compared anyone to me,


I LoL at Those, i mean really comparing and showing such things?

I lol at LoL !

exactly, kotaku picks are awful -.-