“Ghibli Park,” a Studio Ghibli theme park, is slated to open outside Nagoya in Aichi Prefecture, Japan.
“Ghibli Park,” a Studio Ghibli theme park, is slated to open outside Nagoya in Aichi Prefecture, Japan.
don’t make it out to be worse than it is, andrew - those tires are only flat on the bottom.
It is 2017 and things seem to be going relatively well for The Bachelorette’s first black contestant, Rachel…
Another day in paradise!
A pair of male griffon vultures at the Artis Amsterdam Royal Zoo who have been a couple since 2010 have decided to…
Prey is filled with mysteries. What’s going on aboard Talos-1? Who is Morgan Yu, and how did she get into this mess?…
I would never give up fighting for the life of one of my children, rational or not. I don’t think there are any bad guys here, this is just really, really sad.
Everybody misses Obama
When Prey first came out, players were confused to find that, despite coming in a box that claimed the game was “PS4…
Do you know where your children are?
The federal office that investigates universities accused of discriminating against female students—including…
Hua Haifeng is one of the men working to investigate working conditions in the Chinese factory that produces Ivanka…
Me, too.
We all miss Obama. 😰
He just misses Obama
If the Pope becomes this grumpy every time someone reminds him of all the people his institution abused, I feel like maybe he chose the wrong career?
On Monday, the last day of Texas’s legislative session, some state lawmakers engaged in what seemingly the entire…
What the FUCK! And what kind of fucking lame-ass non-apology is that from AVID? They try so hard to bend over backwards promoting themselves and their revenue stream they never apologized at all, especially to that (extraaaa cute) kid! Fuck that place and that “teacher” needs to be fired.
What are you doing to survive the Trump administration?
A black bear in upstate New York whose head was stuck for at least three-and-a-half weeks in a food jug that once…