Gelatinous Cube

Honestly I think this is just internet people being overly salty and sensitive, as usual.

Does anyone else find the cult of personality around this girl to be a little odd?  I agree with just about everything she has to say, but what is it about her vs. all of the knowledgeable and well-spoken adults saying the same thing?

Is she doing “The Stand” or a British version of “The People’s Court”?

I was following a twitter recap of the whole thing yesterday (@innercitypress on twitter) as they detailed the testimony post by post.

Utterly elite level snitching. I mean, I get that when you have wild shit going on in your life, you tend to remember it, but Jesus the detail he was putting into it.

Sure, but Miller? *full body shudders*

That’s OK. It happens to a lot of bull semen factories. 

... oh my god, they absolutely did make Batman into Magnum PI.

This. The EU is basically committing highway robbery.

Correct, which is the minimum to be expected when they are also the second most profitable company in the world.

Could you please cite this, definitely curious 

One possibility is that they saw it and they’re trying not to trigger their PTSD.

It absolutely is analogous. You don’t think supermarkets put store brand stuff in prominent places? If you don’t think this is a completely normal and rational business process, you are either not normal or not rational.

'Deepness' is actually the prequel to 'Fire'. There was a third book, as well: 'The Children of the Sky', the actual sequel to 'Fire'.

This book was my Keanu book.

Well, everyone else has already picked most of the good ones.

Fun list, but I'd definitely add BRAINWAVE by Poul Anderson (1953/54), in which the intelligence of the entire planet takes a quantum leap overnight . . ..

Stapledon dealt with more-than-human intelligence in most of his work. Pretty important author, I think - he was dealing with these things at a time when hardly anyone else had. Arthur Clarke mentioned him as an important influence.

I am personally very fond of Flowers for Algernon. Though it's technically a short story, I feel it deserves to be at least mentioned.