
Monster had one product that I could actually describe as good, but I think they might have had discontinued it. It was in a smaller can, I think it had something to do with Nitros or something, not sure. But the drink it’s self was actually really good, had a nice smooth taste, a heavy body, and it didn’t leave any

In that case Mid August/Early September would be the best release time.

As someone whose played since Vanilla and recently came back from a very long hiatus (haven’t played since 2011), I just want to say Pandaria looks breath taking. The design team really went all out on it, and it shows.

As a horde player, I find it pretty funny seeing horde players try and justify Jainas hatred while tip toeing around the fact that they blew up her city. My favorite is that she’s not the real Jaina, or that she’s been possessed by the legion.

wtb flying nimbus pillow.

I’m conflicted with The Illusionist.

I don’t think it was his ego necessarily. The first one was good, and I’d argue that the second one was even better. The problem with the third is that it was obviously a very bad script and Ryan Reynolds and crew were being put into the spotlight while he was being forced out. It’s hard to get into a movie where

They didn’t know how to market the show at all; I remember when the first and second season were around, and the radio commercials I heard for it made the show sound so stupid and boring.

Where is the Iron Fist?

I don’t know if I would call Sisyphus a tragic figure, he was a pretty bad person.

if they introduce individual character leveling I’m done.

wait, this is on Hulu?

I didn’t like the first season of American Horror story and didn’t get very far in it. How ever, I do really like Vampires; is this worth watching for that or?

This is why you don’t invest in ideas. Ideas are intangible and often fall apart at the seams the moment they try and come into reality. If you’re going to use kickstarter and put your money towards something, make sure that the product actually exists first, and you’re being shown how it’s in use.

Michigan here, we’re supposed to be getting some snow in the metro-detroit area on Saturday, but nothing after. By now we’d have had at least 2-3 inches typically. Today is in the 60s, and raining; I’m not going to complain.

I haven’t watched Ant Man because I didn’t like Avengers 2; the only good thing out of it in my opinion was Scarlet Witch.

struggling to get through Heart of the Swarm right now because all I literally want to do is make a big zerg army and swarm their base. Tired of this stupid objective stuff.

Bourdain kind of lost me when he did that Parts Unknown episode in Thailand and he just dismissed Pad Thai. This is coming from the dude who has a self proclaimed love affair with noodles, and he threw Pad Thai out just because it was enjoyed by the masses in the U.S.

Ok...but can it run crysis?

This is amazing, I’m so happy for him.