Despite their might and power, I highly doubt that the Chinese Army would be able to do much of anything to the United States.
Despite their might and power, I highly doubt that the Chinese Army would be able to do much of anything to the United States.
dude bought a truck with a paper route.
I’ve never seen or heard of a multi choice spelling test.
sounds like it would be insanely easy
How do you slide underneath a fence touching the ground?
The last guy I bought my car from was really good; I mean he was a sales man, so obviously he was trying to sell a car no matter what, he’s got to eat too, but still. He legitametly worked with me, helped me get into the car I wanted, made sure I was all set, etc. I didn’t have the best of credit and not a whole lot…
Retrievers were bred for the specific purpose of not “biting” what they are retrieving. They have like an extra gummy portion in their mouth which they use to firmly grip whatever it is they are bringing back. If trained well, the objects wouldn’t have any bitemarks at all.
It’s good if you don’t own the game and want to check it out, see how it’s actually played by real people.
China seems like such a wonderful place for this sort of behavior.
Woodward isn’t bad at all. Now, if you were on like St. Antoine I’d understand you being scared, but Woodward is safe as hell.
The original was really good, just kind of sad they dropped the game and are charging another $25, when they could have had easily just patched/upgraded the original.
In the original Universe Sandbox when you collided two objects together like that, they would just absorb one another and increase the size/mass.
every summer feels like a drout with games, by the time it rolls around you’ve likely already played through everything that came out last fall, and you might get a game that trickles through but most of it is stuff you’re not really interested in. Feels like the entire summer is spent just waiting for Fall to roll…
Haven’t played a call of duty game since they were set during WW2, but Black Ops 3 looks like it would be a lot of fun.
has Blizzard talked about any heroes they would like to introduce to the game?
can you say what Dealership that was? so I can avoid it?
during my senior year of High School I went to a vocational school during the second half of the day. We would take this bus we called ‘The Hearse’. No seatbelts, some of the seats had these sharp metal springs coming out of them that were held down by ductape but were prone to break through if we hit a hard enough…
It looks backwards.
jesus christ what is that.