
Or Garrett Morris, for that matter?

Of course he’s white! So why did you say that he wasn’t?

Hes a WHITE, Ashkenazi Jew. But that's irrelevant  to this situation. Knucklehead.

Nope. The estate was right. Straight theft.

I don't  know who's a bigger pain in the ass. A raging evangelical Christian, or a smug, self righteous atheist. Two sides of the same coin!

Pearson’s Salted Nut Roll > Payday. 5th Avenue is great as well. Especially when they had almonds.

That’s Jeff “Skunk” Baxter, former  guitarist with the Doobie Brothers and Steely Dan. In the 80s he became  a consultant for the Defense  Department. Go figure!

Exactly! Thank you!

And post Clairmont/Cockrum/Byrne X-Men suck!

JIBE! You knucklehead! J I B E!

They said that about  Zimmerman, but...


Flavocol popcorn seasoning. You can find it on Amazon, and other sites. It’s industry standard. Wabash Farms makes a “movie theater” seasoning that I prefer to Flavocol. Happy corning!

Some people  don't like cheese, or cheese analogs.

The right one died! Putz! Go watch “Lucy” or “La Femme Nikita”.

I've worked with her. She IS actually very cool! The song has been  beaten to death, but it's not a bad song. I've heard worse!