
Fun fact - you can pay about $1500 and polestar the XC90. Apparently it’s quite a noticeable difference (in power, not handling of course)

Agree - after talking to people who love working at home (this is me) and those that couldn’t hack it... I came to the conclusion that the first group chooses who they want to see from time to time for meaningful conversation and the rest of the time they don’t want the chitchat - they are happy on their own. The

It certainly smells funny

awesome thanks!

very nice - thanks!

Anyone know if you can you add trips that might be sent to another email address (e.g. a business email?). TripIt let’s me forward to plans@tripit.com which makes it easy.

Fair enough, but my point is still valid I think. If Tesla owners couldn’t figure out how the shifter worked, then it would have been front page news on the first crash/injury. Looks like it’s been linked To 266 Crashes and 68 Injuries according to this article. Chrysler Jeeps don’t get the same level of media

But it feels like this keeps happening somehow. With each technology Tesla brings to the market, it seems like it ends up with a fight on its hands.

This in brown is sooooo Jalop

My buddy and I were in the middle of a roadtrip across the US (from Canada, 21000 km’s, 18 States) and needed the oil changed in LA. We drove away from the garage and 15 minutes later the radio died, then the dash lights, then the power steering and power brakes while the engine was still running. We managed to stop

If someone showed me that render and covered up the grill and removed the decals I would have bet money it was a 911.

I’m guessing they either decided to build a whole new car after building this concept or this was always going to be a new car in Nissan’s lineup

The podcast is very much worth listening to. Here is a link to the written version.

Reminded me of Chevy Chase

Please tell me they play the James Bond theme while opening the safe door

Reminds me of a joke I tell from time to time:

haha yeah I was thinking the same thing... but now all German cars have directional indicators in the car... so that must mean the Germans are worse drivers now than in the ‘80s!

My Jetta had the same thing. I always found that funny.

Thanks for clarifying! I’m pretty sure LH recommended BetterSnapTool years ago and it was a very good reco.