
Libertariantown wouldn’t have a draft with forced contract lengths and artificially suppressed salaries.

Correct. But that’s an entirely predictable aspect of the CBA. The CBA that the MLBPA agreed to. MLBPA never seemed to care about this because it was screwing over non-members (MiLB players).

Teams have realized that most FAs aren’t worth their salary, and it’s because they’re past their prime once they reach FA.

Her CA colleague Feinstein supports the NSA spying on Americans, but is against the CIA spying on her.

There are rewards for innovating. Once others catch up, competition drives prices down.

This whole thing is a list of what my white southern ass grew up enjoying on Thanksgiving.

All those negatives to a 2nd MNF game still seem better than the TNF setup.

The car of yesterday is not the car of today. They are not the same item. They roll on four wheels propelled by a ICE. That’s about all they have in common. You wouldn’t expect an accord to be the same price as a go-kart. You can’t expect these to cost the same, and you’d be misguided to extrapolate this cost

The average car 80 years ago is not comparable to the average car today. You’re not comparing widgets. You’re comparing a go-kart to an Accord.

No it doesn’t. The “average car” today is not comparable to the “average car” 80 years ago.

These aren’t comparable items. The car of the 1940's is probably less than half of what a car of today is.

I assume you have an extensive list of monopolies at hand. I’d love to see it, and I’d love to see a list of monopolies that weren’t created by government.

I wasn’t speaking to his worth as a human being. It was what his labor is worth. I’m sure Mr. A is a swell guy, but his labor is worth less when there’s other people willing to do the same job.

They haven’t. Their competition will have done the same thing in order to compete. So it won’t be long before widgets cost the consumer 50% less and all the widget companies will be making similar margins as before automation.

Assuming he’s doing the same job as before, he’s actually worth less now. A day ago there were no other unemployed people who could do the job he was doing. Today there are 3 people with no job and the same skills as Mr. A.

What’s the conflict of interest in having 1 Champions League team and 1 Europa League team?

I did. You somehow interpreted official statements stating that “all plans are required to carry the 10 Essential Health Benefits” as “not all plans are required to carry the 10 Essential Health Benefits”.

It confirms that these premiums cover unnecessary care for everyone. Men, elderly, people with no desire to have kids, etc. are forced to pay for maternal and pediatric care coverage.

You’re wrong. There are 10 Essential Health Benefits that must be covered by every non-grandfathered plan. It isn’t sex-based, or age-based, or menopausal-based. Every plan. CMS says so. Healthcare.gov says so.

It’s definitely not necessary for a man, and it’s not necessary for most women. But you’re arguing that it is necessary for everyone to be covered for this. That’s ridiculous.