Wow, there must be so many suppressed desires considering there weren’t cons back in the 40s with anthropomorphic Looney Tunes. All of those Moms wearing Tweety Bird shirts were actually hiding a fetish.
Wow, there must be so many suppressed desires considering there weren’t cons back in the 40s with anthropomorphic Looney Tunes. All of those Moms wearing Tweety Bird shirts were actually hiding a fetish.
Hey now. Give it an hour or two.
I loved that moment where that Morty robot gained sentience. Also, that entire subplot with Armothy was hilarious.
Not if you play them on a motorcycle.
Ohhhh it hurts to laugh. Hurts so good.
Not a popular tactic due to the high mana cost.
Is this considered against the rules, or just a shift in tactics?
You clearly haven’t spent any time considering the needs or desires the individual groups have, which is so evident by the anal-cranium syndrome you suffer and so ironically believe I have.
Boy, that thing sure pulverized the crap out of that plutonium.
Boy, that thing sure pulverized the crap out of that plutonium.
I’ve seen phone data hookups on equipment in our local Y, and other devices like fitbits can interface with phones by Bluetooth. It should be possible for Netflix and other streaming services to add an exercise-inducement mode to their apps that lets you pair with fitness apps (like Gooogle Fit and others) and set…
uBlock is also excellent. I just didn’t feel like re-configuring everything on my end, and you can use TamperMonkey to nuke anything ABP whitelists.
did you also get Star Fox 2 back in 1996 as well? I’m pretty sure you didn’t.
They’re referencing a mistaken interpretation of Keiji Inafune’s comments on the game post-release, which was then wildly popularized by the official Sonic the Hedgehog Twitter running with it in a hilariously savage post.
“there are unforseen consequences.
Once I moved my hosting to Amazon I looked into their Route 53 registrar service and ended up switching my domains there. It’s $12 and includes free privacy.
Once I moved my hosting to Amazon I looked into their Route 53 registrar service and ended up switching my domains…
I made this post about Demon’s Souls but now I wish I’d made it about Invisible John and his Magic Cowboy Gun
Of all the legacies that the Sims franchise has borne, I didn’t think the unintentional hilarity of the patch notes would consistently give this much joy. You don’t see XCOM patching away flirting babies.