
Curious as to how Clinton - Lewinsky is “textbook harassment” in your opinion? Not trying to pick a fight, just genuinely curious. If we accept HER OWN ACCOUNT, she pursued him and did not than, and does not now, consider herself a victim. Grown women are incapable of consent?

Valid points. I’m not necessarily weighing in on whether her claim that it was coercive or not was legitimate, just saying that’s what she’s claiming. But you’re correct, it’s not per se coercion just because there’s a power imbalance and/or age difference.  

I agree that grown women have body autonomy, and that to say otherwise is to infantilize them, case in point being the media’s continued insistence that Monica Lewinsky was a victim when she insists that she was not, but in this case she’s saying that she felt the relationship was coercive.

This is some Onion worthy writing rt here. Well done!

I agree with your sentiment that she shouldn’t have approached him in that context, however, he was in public and he does represent the company even when he’s not on company time. Would you feel the same way if he’d made the comment on social media?

Silly goose, men can’t have babies!!

Best piece of news since Trump was elected. Hopefully more to come! 

Whatever. I was talking abt Clinton’s leadership in the Balkans. I’ll trust the ppl that were actually there over you.

We had hoped the Europeans would handle it, since it was In their backyard. Ultimately we led a NATO coalition to put an end to it. You may not appreciate it, but the Bosnians sure did. We did far more than was done for the Yazidi, and certainly more than is being done for these unfortunate souls.

We did it in the former Yugoslavia where the Serbs were committing genocide, and using mass rape as a weapon of war. It requires leadership, something that’s sorely lacking these days.

Susan Sarandon? That’s some rich white folk talk right there!

Ahh yes, those nicknames, “Shrillary”, “Shillary”, “Killary” “Cankles”, those were just sooooo edgy. You expect all that stuff from Trump, who’s a giant adolescent, but when it was coming from the left, it was just really, really sad.

Yep, and she endured like 10 hrs of intense questioning regarding Benghazi without breaking a sweat. Meanwhile he’s all

Now playing

Speaking of completely normal bodily functions, Trump of course went on and on about how disgusting it was that she had to take a bathroom break. The nerve of her!

Sadly, a lot of women in media bought in to it as well.

Ummhh, we (black folks) forgave Robert Byrd for his past Klan membership because he redeemed himself in word and deed. Franken too, in my opinion, was redeemable. If your moral absolutism backfires and benefits the reactionaries in the GOP POC, not white limousine liberals, will suffer. I’ll thank you not to speak on

Sociopaths are over represented in positions of power because the attributes associated with sociopathology, like selfishness, narcissism, amorality and general ruthlessness are actually quite helpful in purely Machiavellian terms

The exact same charge as Papadoupolis, who is also cooperating. I don’t have my watch on me, but I do believe IT’S MUELLER TIME!!!

It truly is sad, and most of the women just buried it and went on with their lives. Japan has paid some reparations, but is still really waffley about taking responsibility for what happened