
Or maybe more to white legacies? Why do you assume the newly available slots that previously went to blacks and Hispanic would automatically go to Asians? I’m guessing that a white legacy would have a better shot at admission than any demographic, and likely a better chance than an Asian non legacy with a comparable

Good question, correlation vs causation. The article I linked addresses that tangentially, but not directly. There’s a comparison of Yale legacy admissions to Yale, but not Yale legacy admissions to Harvard. I’d be interested to see the answer to that question as well:

Well if we’re going by ancestry alone the legacy pool would be yuuuge, given the historical sexual exploitation of the poor by the rich. I suspect there’s a lot of descendants of the illegitimate progeny of black slaves, Irish maids, Chinese seamstresses etc, who’s children were “sired” by upstanding Harvard men. But

They’re also investigating legacy admissions, whereby children of alums have a 30% admission rate, right? No? I. Am. Not. Surprised.

The Ghost of Dirty Dick is still in search of Little Nell, it’s what it is 🎶 🎶 🎶

Ok Vlad. 👌🏿

Wait, how were blacks racist for voting for Obama?? Trump ran an overtly racist campaign. In fact, it was really the only consistent theme of the Trump campaign. Btw, I don’t buy any of the “voted for Obama, but switched to Trump” nonsense. I think that’s exaggerated at best, apocryphal at worst. If it did happen I

Ok sweetie, and you keep feeling witty and superior as you advance Russian propaganda while a racist, xenophobic, misogynistic, narcissistic sociopath that you helped to elect threatens our democracy and global stability. ✌🏿️

Did you compose that all by yourself, or did you copy and paste it from RT? Breitbart? Infowars, definitely Infowars.

No, I’m sorry. The answer is racism. Racism is the reason people voted for Trump. Thanks for playing though.

Abedin? More like Abe-done! Abe-no-he-din!

Lol, dunno. That’s a gif worth posting if you have it though. Pets being assholes never gets old. #assholepets4eva

She’s just mad because it’s more competition for daddy’s attention

Prune juice in a tiny glass to accentuate his baby hands? You’re rt though, he does look sauced

His publicity issues may be dwarfed by his financial problems if wifey files for divorce. He could be left half a man