
NFL lackey [resets clock for days without an incident]

Your comment is that you only opened the link to leave a comment saying you’re not leaving a comment? How meta? I’m guessing you’re one of those edgy types who protests Starbucks anti-Christmas cups by going to Starbucks and telling them your name is Merry Christmas.

The end of that concussion movie should be a bunch of concussed former athletes going out and voting for trump, really highlight the dangers of head injuries

Why don’t we have a 5-point shot? A 7-point shot?

“a snuggie for educated liberals, a comforting escape from the real world for the sad people who listen to NPR.”

This, coincidentally, is how I’ve felt since I moved to Seattle in 2013. I had to take off for the suburbs to get away from the depressing cloud of human smugness and unmerited sense of moral superiority.

Nah, just tell people that you named the kid after Paula Deen.

The NBA operates on a certain assumption of good faith

“Vengeance is ours! In your face, John Paxson!”

If I’ve learned anything from SVG, it’s that the Suns should’ve formed a fucking wall.

UNLV recently launched a study into the history of its mascot, Hey Reb!, in order to determine if the mustachioed gentleman is racist or not.

So I should stop referring to it as Antisemite Sam?


I thought Harold Miner retired years ago.

Kobe Bryant’s final season is going to be a victory lap

Good luck, thanks to America’s crumbling infrastructure there are way les miles of rail than there used to be.

Butler was close. Plumlee’s email is Yahoo@MisterDookie.com.

Talk about not news. A whole story about a tripping white man in Portland.

I know it won’t happen, but the Philadelphia 6-76ers would be the among the greatest accomplishments in the history of the sport.

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