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    So a couple of different things here.

    1. That was a super weak line drive. It takes a little less than a second from contact to the catch so the ball is going a little faster than 60 feet per second, which is about 40 mph; he’s not going to hurt himself barehanding that, and it might have been a tough play for the shortstop. Pitcher made a good move.

    Yeah, Diana is doing awesome work on these stories, and they’re rarely mentioned anywhere else.

    Yeah, maybe people don’t know their amendments that well or didn’t want to look them up. Alabama has been constitutionally barred from doing any of those things since it became a state (you know because the first 10 were passed very shortly after the constitution was ratified).

    That one is definitely staged. No way a rubber ball actually knocks someone over. Also the guy in the hat looks up at the ball before it hits him. The first one is gold, though.

    I actually remember a guy freshman year of college. He was from Hawaii and he fed and took pictures of squirrels like it was his job for the first week and a half of school. I asked him about it and found out that there are no squirrels in Hawaii. Weird shit.