
You’re being incredibly condescending to your reader and I don’t appreciate it. Sure he’s being fairly critical, but that’s no reason to come back swinging and imply he “doesn’t know a lot” about just because he disagrees with you.

How can I agree with anything in a purely subjective article? If horror is subjective, then so is your argument.

lol PT is probably one of, if not THE, most brilliantly terrifying horror games created, and its not even a FULL GAME. As said above, the existence of PT completely wipes out your long argument. The future of the genre depends on weaponless games like PT/Amnesia. If I want to play a shooter, i’ll play overwatch.

Oh cool, thanks. Now I know that I don’t have to pay attention to anything you say because you’re just wrong.

A very long article that can just be summed up by saying that everyone has different tastes in what they consider horror, and you just happen to disagree with the mainstream.

Couldn’t disagree more with all of your logic here. It sounds like you’re using an incredibly narrow sample size to make your argument. Heck, PT proves most of your points invalid with its ‘no hiding, face the monster’ gameplay. And confusing gross out style grime for a necessary portion of terror when hospitals with

I think the horror/terror distinction is just mincing words in an attempt to present your opinion as fact.

An interesting article but ultimately didn’t sit right with me due to your definition of horror.
You wrote “Horror is confront the monster.”
And I disagree with that statement.
Looking up wikipedia for a better definition of Horror and Terror I found the following
“Horror is the feeling of revulsion that usually occurs

“neither of those games are scary...to ME” - fixed

Somewhat disagree, the two scariest games of all time (P.T. and Amnesia: The Dark Descent) have zero weapons, and in some way I agree with the fact that Alien:Isolation handles fear much better when you do have a weapon, but I think the defining point is when they then take away the weapons you relied on so much (I

Hmm, I’m definitely firmly in the camp that for a game to be truly scary (for me, at least) there needs to be zero weapons (or at least very very few). Amnesia is one of my favorite games ever and one of the few that truly scares me. Outlast too. Looking forward to Soma but the reviews have been pretty mixed so I