
FOX Nightly News July 07, 2008.

I can tell you right now that this is as promising as Vanguard.

Pokemon snap kicked ass mmkay?

Wow, get fucking over here.

Double Dragon III.

Yea, "Jazz-Hands~~~"

Why would you collect Puma shoes?. Cannot Compute...

Kind of cheesy. Its too bulky and just too damn big for any kind orientation to appease the visual senses.

Yea, that was chuckle worthy.

I've had a blast during my run. I ebayed my rogue for 900 dollars about two years ago. That was before AQ and all this pvp/grind nonsense.

Every single goddamn platform.

@Skitch01: Of course. The various families of various backrounds should be well-fleshed out. Viewers should have the illusion that Rapture is a colony within in itself.

So why isn't the CEO of Midway or Atari on the cover?.

@D Mitsuki: I'm not your friend, BUDDY

If they don't include a flashback with various residents; i.e. recorders, it will be quite a disappointment.

Probably the few games where Gamefaqs was a must.


You wiffle-snappers got it good.