
Now just take yourself off the the Top 3 Loading... game of all time and I will take another gander.

They had me at "... a robust multiplayer mode".

@bakakensai: What?!!!!, have you not ever played the holy grail called "NBA Jam"?!.

I love the fact that Lois wants to know what it feels like to be black for 24 hours.

Aww, I really did wonder what would happen if you did bring the comics for a 100% translation.

All I know is, if the thunder thighs are gone; this movie has lost whatever remaining appeal it had.

Thats one way to ease yourself into the alliance of two evils.

MOMM was a huge disappointment.

NO way, it has only been one year?. My god, what?.

I can't remember my login for the life of me. It was almost two years ago.

I just can't buy EA's words on it's integrity anymore.

@trelantana: So, a software with starforce protection is a get out of jail free card?.

What a step backwards.

Yup. Same wavelength.

Yup, They've been scanning my license for the last two years or so. Its great. They just scan my license, scan the game, and I am out. Yes, there may be a few that goes through the system, but if it will allow the critics to think twice; I am all for it.

What they need to do is stop making so many mid-powered cards with increments on [xxx.xx] and all the acronym, GT, GTS, GTX, ULtra.

...In the sound muuusssic....

Once again, can this be a standalone music player with the rocket on auto-cruise mode?

Wow, I have never seen so many soccer moms with Peter Pan complex. All their signatures freaks me out, it's eerily similiar to an armageddon countdown.

Thats awesome. But nothing shocking, go in to the hoods of gangnam; you get to see "Titanic: Fresh from the Sea"