
Keep listening to it - the songs change. I think it's a music streaming 404 page...

Going to go out on a limb here and say a good chunk of those downloads were Microsoft Office. Corporate edition.

Because as a last resort, you can't just reformat yourself, unfortunately.

So how about those with glasses? False/glass eyes? Lazy eyes that don't necessarily follow the other? Or missing altogether?

It's not quite a hot-plate. Induction heats the pots and pans rather then the surface itself. It's a little more involved, but I can't begin to tell you how exactly. You can touch the surface of that mid-preparation, and you'd be fine.

It appears they ripped off this:

I'm not one for caring about "the Christian message" during Christmas, but I love Christmas trees. Is it so terrible to like Christmas for being, well, Christmas, and not because it's a Christian thing? When was the last time you knew anybody celebrating Christmas for religious reasons anyway? I just like blinky

Was I the only one whose head tilted a little at the fact that in a video trying to promote something as extremely high-tech, their equipment (0:25) looked like something from the early 1990's? I mean sure, I bet they have much neater machines elsewhere, but for the sake of a promotional video, at least buy a small

Why aren't more posts done with a black background and white text? So much better on the eyes. Especially after spiked gummi bears ([gizmodo.com]). Just sayin'.

Descent II was one the greatest games I've ever played. I dearly miss it so.

Honestly, I'm a turkey fiend. I love turkey over almost all meats. It's just so good. But not just deli turkey or some other random turkey. I'd take a Thanksgiving turkey over a well prepared steak.

This black background and white text needs to be a default theme for Gizmodo. So much easier on the eyes.

I belong to a group that does not go drinking every weekend, or much at all, and barely spends money on any sort of clothing outside professional work attire. Also employed. I'm very pro-DIY and don't mind putting things together.

Razor-thing margins? I don't believe airlines margins are nearly razor-thin at all just based on their ticket prices varying so widely, just from the date.

You know, I was never a fan of 3D TV tech in its current form.. but I hate the attitude of "good enough." Not everybody wants just "good enough." Some of us want "god damn satisfying." The problem isn't that 2D sets are "good enough." The problem is that 3D isn't good at all, and it a downright pain in the ass.

Micro Center. Except laptops/cameras/iPads, which are 7 days. PCs and regular tablets get a full 30.

But it was. The substance can be used in paint. Perhaps you're thinking the title says "Plant."

You know, it is possible that people using a tablet in public might actually have a use, or want to use it wherever they want, be it public or otherwise. Who are you to say where a tablet, or any device, does, or doesn't belong? That's a pretty heavy assumption about the need to justify there. I could make an equally