
"That is why so few people actually use Bluetooth keyboards with iPad"

.. for reference. :P

Guh! How can you not recognize this? This is the "Behind the Scenes" for Independence Day where Air Force One is outrunning the alien blast that destroys Washington DC.

Some people want (hell, need) their belts to be aesthetically pleasing too, and not look like a $10 belt from Wal-Mart.

Honestly, I've never considered laptop "repairability" beyond core parts like HDD/RAM to be of a major concern to me. Yeah, I know how possibly screens are to repair, but even at the cheapest available, it's still worth more then it's usually worth. The "best" laptop to me is a laptop that can expand. I want desktop

I find that a good lot of people don't realize they have a use for something until they actually have it. This applied to me in regards to SmartPhones. I thought the RAZR was all I ever needed. Was I ever wrong. This same mentality applied to cable TV and highways when they were introduced. Boy were THEY wrong.

I disagree. With how infrequent ethernet and Firewire are used anymore, I think the dongle is a better alternative. Why carry around what you don't always need with all the extra weight, when you can only take what you need every time?

I wish people would leave the internet alone. It only got the way it was because it was left alone. Why do people screw with things that aren't broken when there are so many broken things to work on?

Are you sure those aren't referring to the 17"? Those prices seem more in line for their current 17" pricing, as opposed to the 15". Or maybe one is the 15, one is the 17.

This article makes me worry. I live in an older style town house built with gas lines and a gas stove, and no range hood. But worse, the stove's back is facing a shared brick wall. Without mirroring the entire 1st floor, it is impossible to install a range hood without making the vent travel right over our heads and

Now THIS just might be enough of a motivation to switch from Comcast.

And here I thought Egypt was a primarily Muslim country that put women below men. Shows what happens when you educate women. Now if only the rest of the middle eastern countries were so wise..

I cringed the most at the part when they high-fived. If it were me up there, and my buddy tried to do that, I'd be like "AH NOOO NO NONONONO DON'T TOUCH ME" as well as wrapping my arms around anything sturdy and probably pissing my pants.

Yeah, except for all of them. Oh wait, no. You're right. It isn't ATi. It's AMD.

I confess I was looking for ways to hold the glass, what glass to use, or something to that extent. But all I got out of this was the "breathing" part. Which was useful, even if not really.. explained. This seems somewhat shorter then it could have been.

The ink you find bundled with a printer is NOT the same as the ink you buy to refill them when they're empty. That $44 in ink will give more pages then 2x of the cartridges in the $24 printer bundle.

People raise concerns over geographic location identifiers, even without their names. Such a bit of data would be highly relevant to the above example. Also gender, or age. Plenty of things beyond a name that people get fired up about giving away.

Exactly... extended plans get such a bad rap. I hate the generalization about them that makes people hate them by default the minute they are mentioned.

Apparently! I'm not talking about myself. I'm not talking about you. I'm talking about the general public.

If by "smooth" you mean drag speed and transition, sure. But you clearly have the chops to navigate Android a lot more then anybody else. Android and WP7 hardware are clearly as good as, if not superior to an iPhone. But as I posted above, the average user is not that concerned. Average. There is always a case where a