
Him: You can’t take a joke >:O

FaZe continues to look like the worst examples of gaming culture. I hope she gets out of the contract cleanly, though I’d prefer this shitstain of a human being get the boot instead, because this is some straight up harassment from Rain.

Lol are you implying that the right wing that is currently loudly boycotting 95% of companies and being extremely shrill and upset about it online, shooting beer bottles and stomping on Target displays, are somehow NOT the angry ones?

Wait, wait, wait... according to Texas law, isn’t this attempted murder? Are we really going through ALL this anti-abortion law bullshit to then NOT prosecute this specific instance? Come on, Texas legislators... this is the PERFECT opportunity to show the world you mean business.

he was held on a $10,000 bond and released on May 31. It was a mandatory 48-hour hold, because Streeter had been charged with a separate family assault about a year ago.

Seeing as how it’s Texas, I suspect he’ll get 90 days probation and small fine (which he’ll fail to pay) and and stern look from the judge. However, prosecutors will likely find some way to charge the woman with endangering the life of a fetus and multiple other charges.

Are there any self help “gurus” who don’t turn out to be raging assholes behind the scenes? Why would anyone take take her seriously in regard to self help, politics, or anything else she blabs about.

When I was a Plant Engineer in another life with a lowly BS, I worked with a peer who after a few months mentioned he had PhD in Mechanical Engineering.

I asked how it was possible he wasn’t several levels above me and he responded “I went to to Bama, like the Crimson Tide? My degree is considered the same as yours on

No, it was just a Trump-led plan to own the libs. Alabama never made sense 

I hear it's a pretty sweet home.

I’m curious about the motivation to move operations to Alabama in the first place.  Colorado has a well established aerospace industry and infrastructure and it just seems like the logical place to be.  Does Alabama have some logistical advantages I’m not aware of?

My college too. No one had to TRY to indoctrinate anyone into being liberal. It just happened by osmosis with a diverse student body. But for people who’ve never been to college, the Fox bunch would love to paint it as being strapped down and subjected to liberal operant conditioning.

Said it before and I’ll say it again: conservative upbringing is authoritarian, and religious conservative upbringing is ten times so. Because “education” to these people means “being told what to think”, they assume it’s the same for everyone. They can’t picture education as the nurturing of critical thinking because

The thing that none of these people understand is that kids that go to college aren’t being strapped in to chairs and forced to read the communist manifesto and radical feminist theory. They’re just meeting other people. Some rich, some poor. Some black, some brown, some white. Some gay, some straight, some something

How conservatives imagine college instructors: “Hi class, today we’re going to be discussing how capitalism is the root of all evil and the US should pay every Black person $1 million per year in reparations. And all cops should be shot in the streets.”

lmao sadly “Canon is a fool’s stricture” is a 100% Linda Codega original phrase, and sadly I’ve wasted it in the dek of an io9 blog.

Her toddler children will be only attending “woke college” over her “dead body.”

Magic fans have known this for about a year. The fact that all the racists are coming out of the woodwork now, when the mainstream announcement is made, tells you a lot about who is really getting angry at this: people who are threathened by pictures in a card game they don’t play. In other words immature, insecure

Canon is a fool’s stricture” Is this yours or an older quote? I ask because it sums up how I feel about a lot of the stupid complaints (not just racist ones) about entertainment properties I’ve seen, so I’m going to steal it.

One of the smart things Biden has done, and I hope he doesn’t back down on, is daring Republicans to actually say their beliefs out loud, especially when it comes to economic issues.